WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F1607_2615_ref.mov Snow Snow in Jackson. Gov. Ross Barnett shown outside Governor's Mansion. Additional: Weather
MP_198001_F1621_2616_ref.mov Miss. Valley Gas Co. Strike Strikers picket at Miss. Valley Gas Co. Additional: Strikes, Unions
MP_198001_F1621_2617_ref.mov Paul B. Johnson Paul B. Johnson talks about his upcoming term as Governor.
MP_198001_F1621_2618_ref.mov Old Canton Road Bridge Bridge construction on Old Canton Road. Additional: Highway Construction
MP_198001_F1621_2619_ref.mov Fred Picket Fred Pickett, Hinds County Deputy Sheriff.
MP_198001_F1621_2620_ref.mov Johnson at Economic Conference Gov.-elect Paul B. Johnson attends economic conference. Additional: Economy
MP_198001_F1621_2621_ref.mov Gainsbrugh at Economic Conference New York economist Martin Gainsbrugh attends economic conference. Additional: Economy
MP_198001_F1621_2622_ref.mov Loren Ormond Loren Ormond, second runner-up in Maid of Cotton Contest.
MP_198001_F1621_2623_ref.mov Senate Opening Session Opening session of Senate. Additional: Miss. Legislature
MP_198001_F1621_2624_ref.mov House of Representatives Opening session of House of Representatives. Additional: Miss. Legislature
MP_198001_F1621_2625_ref.mov Agricultural and Industrial Board Meeting of Miss. Agricultural and Industrial Board. Gov. Ross Barnett addresses meeting.
MP_198001_F1621_2626_ref.mov Judge Stokes Robertson, Jr. Judge Stokes Robertson, Jr.
MP_198001_F1621_2627_ref.mov Walter Johnson Search Search for Walter Johnson. Sprague Riverboat is shown. Additional: Missing Persons
MP_198001_F1621_2628_ref.mov Legislative Course Legislative short course sponsored by Univ. of Miss.. New legislators are informed of their duties as lawmakers.
MP_198001_F1621_2629_ref.mov Benson Ford Benson Ford, Vice-President of Ford Motor Co., addresses annual meeting of Chamber of Commerce.
MP_198001_F1621_2630_ref.mov Federal Cotton Compress Collapsed wall at Federal Cotton Compress Co. where man was killed.
MP_198001_F1621_2631_ref.mov Judge Percy Lee Judge Percy Lee administers oath of office to state officials.
MP_198001_F1621_2632_ref.mov Paul B. Johnson Paul B. Johnson at swearing in ceremony of state officials.
MP_198001_F1621_2633_ref.mov City Department Heads Meeting Mayor Allen C. Thompson and Commissioners D.L. Luckey and Thomas Marshall at meeting for city department heads.
MP_198001_F1621_2634_ref.mov Gov. Paul B. Johnson Gov. Paul B. Johnson talks about artifacts of Jefferson Davis. Additional: Miss. Dept. of Archives and History
MP_198001_F1621_2635_ref.mov Charlotte Capers Charlotte Capers, Director of Miss. Dept. of Archives and History, describes artifacts of Jefferson Davis.
MP_198001_F1621_2636_ref.mov Gov. Henry Bellmon Oklahoma Gov. Henry Bellmon is interviewed by reporter upon arrival in Jackson for Republican Party Dinner.
MP_198001_F1621_2637_ref.mov Gov. Henry Bellmon Oklahoma Gov. Henry Bellmon is speaker at Republican Party Dinner.
MP_198001_F1646_2638_ref.mov Mrs. Byron De La Beckwith *Wife of Byron De La Beckwith arrives at Hinds County Courthouse for trial of her husband. Beckwith is charged with the murder of Medgar Evers of the Miss. NAACP. Additional: Murders
MP_198001_F1646_2639_ref.mov Byron De La Beckwith Trial *Attorneys and others arrive at Hinds County Courthouse for trial of Byron De La Beckwith, charged with the murder of Medgar Evers of the Miss. NAACP. District Attorney William Waller is present. Additional: Murders
MP_198001_F1646_2640_ref.mov Byron De La Beckwith Trial *Edwin Walker is shown leaving Hinds County Courthouse where trial of Byron De La Beckwith is taking place. (silent) Beckwith is charged with the murder of Medgar Evers of the Miss. NAACP. District Attorney William Waller is interviewed about the trial as he leaves the courthouse. Additional: Murders
MP_198001_F1646_2641_ref.mov Byron De La Beckwith Trial *District Attorney William Waller is interviewed concerning trial of Byron De La Beckwith. Beckwith is charged with the murder of Medgar Evers of the Miss. NAACP. Additional: Murders
MP_198001_F1646_2642_ref.mov Byron De La Beckwith *Edwin Walker is present at Hinds County Courthouse for trial of Byron De La Beckwith. Beckwith is charged with the murder of Medgar Evers of the Miss. NAACP. Additional: Murders