WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F1972_2930_ref.mov Miss. Arts Festival Miss. Arts Festival. Entertainment shown.
MP_198001_F1972_2931_ref.mov Miss. Arts Festival Entertainment at Miss. Arts Festival.
MP_198001_F1972_2932_ref.mov Miss. Arts Festival Gov. Paul B. Johnson and Mayor Allen C. Thompson are present at Miss. Arts Festival.
MP_198001_F1972_2933_ref.mov Miss. Arts Festival Mayor Allen C. Thompson and Gov. Paul B. Johnson speak at Miss. Arts Festival.
MP_198001_F1972_2934_ref.mov Thompson and Boyles Reporter interviews Mayor Allen C. Thompson and Derwood Boyles on Election Night.
MP_198001_F1972_2935_ref.mov Teenage Vandalism John Osborne, of Hinds County Youth Office, is interviewed by reporter Dick Sanders concerning recent teenage vandalism. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_F1972_2936_ref.mov Admiral Roy Johnson Admiral Roy Johnson, Commander in Chief of U.S. Pacific Fleet, is interviewed upon his arrival in Jackson. Talks about the military and the Vietnam War.
MP_198001_F1972_2937_ref.mov Arnold Palmer Golfer Arnold Palmer participates in Heart Fund Golf Exhibition at Jackson Country Club. Additional: Athletes, Sports Events
MP_198001_F1972_2938_ref.mov Arnold Palmer Golfer Arnold Palmer participates in Heart Fund Golf Exhibition at Jackson Country Club. Additional: Athletes, Sports Events
MP_198001_F1972_2939_ref.mov Gov. George C. Wallace *Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace is interviewed by reporter Dick Sanders upon his arrival in Jackson. Wallace is in town to attend annual meeting of Citizens' Council.
MP_198001_F1972_2940_ref.mov Oil Rig Platform Tour of Oil Rig Platform. Additional: Oil Industry
MP_198001_F1972_2941_ref.mov Armed Forces Day Key Field in Meridian, Miss. Air show is performed for Armed Forces Day. Additional: Airplanes
MP_198001_F1972_2942_ref.mov Gov. George C. Wallace *Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace is guest speaker at annual meeting of Jackson Citizens' Council at coliseum. Banner above podium 'White Monday In Mississippi'
MP_198001_F1988_2943_ref.mov Johnson at Civil Defense Meeting Gov. Paul B. Johnson talks about civil defense in the state. (possibly addressing meeting of Miss. Civil Defense Council)
MP_198001_F1988_2944_ref.mov Head Start Program *Reporter Dick Sanders interviews Father Bernard Law, editor of 'Miss. Register' and Mrs. Esther Simpson, of the Public Welfare Dept., concerning Head Start Program.
MP_198001_F1988_2945_ref.mov Boy Scout Banquet Banquet for fund-raising goal of the Boy Scouts.
MP_198001_F1988_2946_ref.mov Govt. Expenses and Salaries Rept. Gov. Paul B. Johnson receives report on state government expenses and salaries from State Rep. Wilburn Hooker. Additional: State Employees
MP_198001_F1988_2947_ref.mov Poverty Program Gillis Long and Gov. Paul B. Johnson participate in ceremony concerning poverty program.
MP_198001_F1988_2948_ref.mov Boys' State Participants in the American Legion Boys' State Program are at the Governor's office.
MP_198001_F1988_2949_ref.mov Eric Biedenharn Vicksburg cattle rancher, Eric Biedenharn, is interviewed by Dick Sanders concerning Angus population in Miss. Livestock shown. Additional: Animals
MP_198001_F1988_2950_ref.mov MPI Industries Tour of MPI Industries plant. MPI manufactures cabinets. Additional: Industry
MP_198001_F1988_2951_ref.mov Rosanne Burleson Rosanne Burleson, Miss Hospitality of 1965, is shown at hospitality exhibit
MP_198001_F1988_2952_ref.mov J.P. McNinch J.P. McNinch, Director of Miss. Employment Service for Jackson area, is interviewed by reporter Dick Sanders concerning summer employment opportunities for students.
MP_198001_F1988_2953_ref.mov Crucifix, St. Richards Church Crucifix at St. Richards Catholic Church.
MP_198001_F1988_2954_ref.mov W.P. Gullander W.P. Gullander, President of National Assoc. of Manufacturers.
MP_198001_F1988_2955_ref.mov W.P. Gullander W.P. Gullander, President of National Assoc. of Manufacturers.
MP_198001_F1988_2956_ref.mov Voting in General Election People vote during general election. Campaign posters throughout the city are shown. Miss. Republican Party headquarters shown. Additional: Election Campaigns, Voting Procedures
MP_198001_F1988_2957_ref.mov Wirt Yerger Reporter Dick Sanders interviews Wirt Yerger concerning results of general election and the Republican Party in the state.