WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F2053_3014_ref.mov Census Tracts Meeting Lloyd Montgomery, Director of Jackson Planning and Zoning Board, Robert Chaffin, Jackson Chamber of Commerce economist and others attend meeting concerning census tracts. Additional: Population Statistics
MP_198001_F2053_3015_ref.mov Nat Rogers Chicago, Illinois. (possibly American Bankers Assoc. convention) Nat Rogers, of Jackson Deposit Guaranty Bank, is interviewed at the convention concerning the new coins being issued.
MP_198001_F2053_3016_ref.mov Miss. State Fair Scenes from Miss. State Fair and luncheon. Mayor Allen C. Thompson, Sen. James O. Eastland and Sen. John C. Stennis attend luncheon. Scene changes to Heidelberg Hotel where man repels from the top of the Hotel to the bottom.
MP_198001_F2053_3017_ref.mov Dale Robertson Movie Star Dale Robertson is interviewed by reporter on his visit to Jackson. Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_F2053_3018_ref.mov French Camp Academy French Camp Academy. Jackson television station presents Academy with film about the school. Additional: Private Schools, Presbyterian Church
MP_198001_F2053_3019_ref.mov Vegetable Processing Plant Crystal Springs, Miss. Gov. Paul B. Johnson attends dedication of vegetable processing plant. Tour of plant. Additional: Industry
MP_198001_F2053_3020_ref.mov Bay St. Louis Movie Bay St. Louis, Miss. Filming of movie 'This Property is Condemned.' Natalie Wood getting off train. Other actors shown. Additional: Entertainment
MP_198001_F2053_3021_ref.mov Congressman Jamie Whitten Congressman Jamie Whitten addresses meeting of Rivers and Harbors Assoc. of Miss.
MP_198001_F2053_3022_ref.mov Patsy Puckett at Fair Luncheon Movie Star Dale Robertson. Patsy Pucket, Miss Mississippi of 1965, attends Miss. State Fair luncheon.
MP_198001_F2053_3023_ref.mov C.E. Breazealle C.E. Breazealle, Superintendent of Parchman State Penitentiary gives Gov. Paul B. Johnson tour of prison. Prisoners working in wood and metal shop. Prison guard guarding wood shop from small cell.
MP_198001_F2072_3024_ref.mov Miss. Research and Development Ctr. Opening meeting of Miss. Research and Development Ctr. Gov. Paul B. Johnson and Dr. Kenneth Wagner, Director of the Ctr., address the meeting.
MP_198001_F2072_3025_ref.mov Airplane Crash in South Dakota Scene of airplane crash near Stephan Mission in central South Dakota. Jackson residents killed were Dr. Ben Walker, Dr. Norman Burnstein, Dr. John Sanders, T.N. Touchstone and W.C. Touchstone. Additional: Airplane Crashes
MP_198001_F2072_3026_ref.mov James Rogers James Rogers, Director of Southeast Federal Aviation Agency, addresses meeting of Southeast Airport Managers Assoc.
MP_198001_F2072_3027_ref.mov A.H. Williams A.H. Williams, Deputy Chief of Jackson Police Dept., is interviewed by reporter Hagan Thompson concerning new police training center. Additional: Law Enforcement Officials
MP_198001_F2072_3028_ref.mov A.H. Williams A.H. Williams, Deputy Chief of Jackson Police Dept., is interviewed by reporter Hagan Thompson concerning new police training center. Additional: Law Enforcement Officials
MP_198001_F2072_3029_ref.mov Johnson News Conference News conference with Gov. Paul B. Johnson. Talks about trade with Latin American countries and congressional redistricting. Additional: Foreign Trade, Reapportionment
MP_198001_F2072_3030_ref.mov Dr. Robert Gayre *News conference with Dr. Robert Gayre of Scotland. Gayre will be speaker at meeting of Citizens' Council.
MP_198001_F2072_3031_ref.mov Pearl River Reservoir Tour of Pearl River Reservoir. Additional: Barnett Reservoir
MP_198001_F2072_3032_ref.mov James Drury Television star James Drury of the show 'The Virginian' arrives in Jackson. Scenes from autograph party. Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_F2072_3033_ref.mov Pearl River Reservoir Tour of Pearl River Reservoir. Additional: Barnett Reservoir
MP_198001_F2072_3034_ref.mov Standard Life Insurance Building Standard Life Insurance Building.
MP_198001_F2072_3035_ref.mov Aaron Henry News Conference *Aaron Henry, President of Miss. NAACP, talks about racial problems in Natchez. Race Relations
MP_198001_F2072_3036_ref.mov Voter Registration *Blacks fill out voting applications. Additional: Voter Registration
MP_198001_F2072_3037_ref.mov Stennis at Farm Bureau Meeting Sen. John C. Stennis addresses Miss. Farm Bureau Federation meeting.
MP_198001_F2072_3038_ref.mov Veterans Days Veterans Day ceremony at War Memorial Building. Lt. Gov. Carroll Gartin is speaker. Speaks on Vietnam War. Additional: Holidays
MP_198001_F2072_3039_ref.mov Vietnam War Demonstration Students from Tougaloo Southern Christian College participate in demonstration protesting Vietnam War. Demonstrators are shown in front of St. Peters Cathedral in downtown Jackson. Additional: Demonstrations
MP_198001_F2089_3040_ref.mov Shooting at Pet Milk Co. Pet Milk Co. on Bailey Avenue after shooting incident. One killed, one wounded. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_F2089_3041_ref.mov Patsy Puckett, Ann Kitchens Patsy Puckett, Miss Mississippi of 1965 and Ann Kitchens, Miss Hospitality of 1965 board airplane. Both are participating in tour for Tuberculosis Fund Drive.