Governor Haley Barbour Communication Director's Files, 2004-... Series 2830

This series consists of memos, talking points, speeches and speech drafts, opinion pieces, press releases, communications strategy documents, and public appearance schedules created or edited by Governor Haley Barbour's communications directors from 2004 to 2011. Topics covered in the material include education reform, Medicaid legislation, Hurricane Katrina recovery, Mississippi's relationship with Toyota, and the state budget. Some of the documents contain hyperlinks to web pages that no longer exist. The files (predominantly Word documents and Excel spreadsheets) are presented online as PDF files for easier access. Other records for the series are available in the William F. Winter Archives and History Building.

Filename File_path
MDA_PMO_Govs Talking Pts.EDITED.xls.pdf BBynum/Excel
Baxter chronology.doc.pdf BBynum/Momentum Mississippi June 27, 2005
Fair joke.doc.pdf BBynum/Momentum Mississippi June 27, 2005
07.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
08 talking pts.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
12.3.09GovernorBarbourlettertoDFA REVISED.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
12.3.09GovernorBarbourlettertoDFA with LS comments_1.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
2006 Session of the Mississippi Legislature.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
2011EBR.v2.7.1.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
2.1.10 GOVERNOR BARBOUR URGES PASSAGE OF SB 2928_1.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
2.11.10 Governor Barbour signs HB 512 v2.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
ACBL statement.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
Aerospace Alliance Media Advisory_1.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
Agenda Chiquita Oct 24 08.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
Alexander video.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
Appoint Williamson.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
Attorney fees sunshine.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
Backgrounder for interview with CL Business Editor Kevin Richardson.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
Backgrounder Medicaid, balanced budget FINAL 7.3.08.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
Backgrounder October 2009.docx.pdf BBynum/Word
Barbour Bio for NGA.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
Battle of Corinth article.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
BB quote on tax bill.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
BB remarks to PR class.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
Bill signings.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
Bio extra.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
Bio Governor Barbour 2.20.28.doc.pdf BBynum/Word
Bio Governor Barbour 7.28.09.doc.pdf BBynum/Word