Governor Haley Barbour Speeches, 2004-2011 Series 2809

This series consists of speeches, speech drafts, and related memorandums of Governor Haley Barbour from 2004 to 2011. Topics covered in the material include the Freedom Rides anniversary, Medicaid legislation, Hurricane Katrina anniversary, Neshoba County Fair, Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and the state budget. Electronic documents (predominantly Word files) are presented online as PDFs, and three Windows Media Video recordings of press conferences are available as MP4 files for easier access. One document (Remarks to MS School Board Association 10.31.06.doc) was partially corrupted prior to transfer to MDAH and is presented as it was received. Other records for the series are available in the William F. Winter Archives and History Building.

Filename File_path Original Filename
archiveS1_1116091421.wmv.mp4 Administrator/Webcast archiveS1_1116091421.wmv
3.2 E and C Testimony COB monday candice.doc.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid 3.2 E and C Testimony COB monday candice.doc
Gov health video talking points.doc.docx.pdf CWhitfield/Health Care Reforms/After passage Gov health video talking points.doc.docx
Debbie.doc.pdf DKuykendall/word Debbie.doc
For the last week.doc.pdf DKuykendall/word For the last week.doc
If Chairman Stringer really wants to control spending.doc.pdf DKuykendall/word If Chairman Stringer really wants to control spending.doc
It is a high honor for me to pay tribute to Kirk Fordice on behalf of the people of Mississippi.doc.pdf DKuykendall/word It is a high honor for me to pay tribute to Kirk Fordice on behalf of the people of Mississippi.doc
Statement of Governor Haley Barbour.doc.pdf DKuykendall/word Statement of Governor Haley Barbour.doc
Throughout this dragged.doc.pdf DKuykendall/word Throughout this dragged.doc
video.doc.pdf DKuykendall/word video.doc
script.doc.pdf JArledge/Word script.doc
Budget talking points 12.3.09 FINAL DRAFT.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous Budget talking points 12.3.09 FINAL DRAFT.doc
Budget Video.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous Budget Video.doc
Conrad Hilton.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous Conrad Hilton.doc
EBR script.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous EBR script.doc
Environment Statement.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous Environment Statement.pdf
Statement on SCHIP.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous Statement on SCHIP.doc
Talking Points Monday Senate meeting.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous/Candice Talking Points Monday Senate meeting.doc
closing for Education Reform.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous/Governor Barbour Letters closing for Education Reform.doc
NAEP Script for Gov.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous/Governor Barbour Letters NAEP Script for Gov.pdf
second part to tax speech.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous/Governor Barbour Letters second part to tax speech.doc
7-6-10 Reinventing Conservatism.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous/Governor Barbour's newpaper articles 7-6-10 Reinventing Conservatism.doc
2007 victory speech.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous/Governor Barbour Speeches 2007 victory speech.doc
2008 Inaugural Speech.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous/Governor Barbour Speeches 2008 Inaugural Speech.doc.pdf
2008 State of the State (final).doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous/Governor Barbour Speeches 2008 State of the State (final).doc
2010 State of the State.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous/Governor Barbour Speeches 2010 State of the State.doc
2011 (8-29) Special Session and Katrina Anniversary.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous/Governor Barbour Speeches 2011 (8-29) Special Session and Katrina Anniversary.doc
2011 - April 28 - Press Conference re floods and weather.doc.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous/Governor Barbour Speeches 2011 - April 28 - Press Conference re floods and weather.doc
2011 - Barbour_SLC_Testimony 13 (7-14-11-Utah) (ss).docx.pdf Jobs/Miscellaneous/Governor Barbour Speeches 2011 - Barbour_SLC_Testimony 13 (7-14-11-Utah) (ss).docx