Cowles Mead Portrait EA2022.006

This series consists of five digital photographs of a portrait presumed to be of Cowles Mead, who served as secretary of the Mississippi Territory from January 21, 1806, to June 1, 1807, and who acted as governor of the Mississippi Territory from June 6, 1806, to January 28, 1807. The oil painting was probably donated to the Mississippi Department of Archives and History by Frederick Meade Pannell in March 1950 but was never accessioned into the collection. At its July 22, 2011, quarterly meeting, the MDAH Board of Trustees voted to discard the portrait due to its poor condition. MDAH Museums Division staff photographed the front and back of the painting with a digital camera in October 2022, prior to deaccessioning it. The original portrait was officially transferred to the Mississippi College Department of History in November 2022.

Technical Details

Digital Images: The oil painting was photographed, front and back, by MDAH Museums Division staff using a Canon EOS Rebel SL3 digital camera. They saved these images as 24-bit RGB JPEG files with pixel dimensions 6000 x 4000. They also saved cropped and edited versions of the photograph of the front of the painting.

Image Conversion: To improve accessibility, MDAH Electronic Archives staff converted the original JPEG files to zoomable JPEG tile sets.


There are no known copyright restrictions. MDAH asks that each image used in a presentation, display, or publication be accompanied by the following credit statement:

Credit: Courtesy of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History