Press Releases, 2000-2011 Series 2793

The series contains official news releases, prepared statements, and public announcements from Medicaid, along with public releases from other offices relating to the business of Medicaid, such as the Office of the Governor and the Attorney General's Office. Subjects include the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), presumptive eligibility, Head Start, Mississippi Health Benefits Program, division budgeting, statuses of Medicaid facilities, the Electronic Health Records program, Better Health for Mississippi, and Mississippi Medicaid Cool Kids, among other topics. Medicaid is a program jointly funded by the federal and state governments to provide health coverage for individuals whose income and resources are insufficient to pay for it. Electronic copies of press releases were transferred by the Division of Medicaid Public Relations Office in 2011. Access copies are provided here as PDF and MP3 files.

04.07.02.Gov will veto bills.pdf
040902medicaid veto pr 040902.pdf
040902Rica Medicaid Shortfall.pdf
04.24.02.Medicaid Not Spending.Rica.pdf
04.25.07.Final.Medicaid State Offices Moving.pdf
04.27.2010Yazoo City Medicaid Regional Office currently out of service.pdf
05.01.08 SMAC.pdf
05.03.04.Release.Legeslature.pdf Stay Alert Stay Alive.pdf
05.09.06.Claims were incorrectly paid to Coastal Family Health Care due to data processing problems at Medicaid and at Coastal Family HealthCare.pdf
05.12.04.New Legislation Statement.pdf
05.20.04With the upcoming changes in the Medicaid laws we wanted to make sure our beneficiaries are not needlessly worried by these changes.pdf
05.29.03. Press release Toll Fellow.pdf
06.04.2010.proposed Medicaid Rate Reductions Withdrawn.pdf
06.07.07. Mississippi Medicaid Nets $23 Million for SCHIP Kids.Final.pdf
06.08.2011.Display ad.pdf
06.15.2011.Display ad.pdf
06.16.03. Disease Management.pdf
06.18.03.Press.Release. Disease Management..pdf
06.20.05 PDL.SPA.pdf
06.21.2011.EHR.Press.Release Final.Final.pdf
06.25.02.The Division of Medicaid is grateful for the many hours of work.pdf
06.28.04.Press Release Medicaid 0628.pdf
06.30.04.Press Release Medicaid.DHS..pdf