WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F2633_3586_ref.mov John Bell Williams, Voting Raymond, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell Williams arrive at polls to vote in general election.
MP_198001_F2633_3587_ref.mov Fire, Atlantic Ice Co. Day after fire at Atlantic Ice Co. on South Street. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_F2633_3588_ref.mov Chamber of Commerce New officers of Jackson Chamber of Commerce. Richard McRae, President; C.B. Ryan, President-elect; Minor Summers, Vice-President; Henry Hederman, Senior Vice-President and Les Wilkinson, Treasurer.
MP_198001_F2633_3589_ref.mov Veterans Day War Memorial Building. Ceremony for Veterans Day. Lt. Gov.-elect Charles L. Sullivan is speaker. Additional: Holidays
MP_198001_F2650_3590_ref.mov Alex Waites *News conference with Alex Waites of the NAACP.
MP_198001_F2650_3591_ref.mov Baptist Convention Baptist Convention at First Baptist Church.
MP_198001_F2650_3592_ref.mov Clarke Reed News conference with Clarke Reed, Miss. Republican Party Chairman.
MP_198001_F2650_3593_ref.mov Junior Achievement Various activities at the Junior Achievement Building.
MP_198001_F2650_3594_ref.mov Charles Shuman Charles Shuman, of the American Farm Bureau Federation, addresses Miss. Farm Bureau Federation Convention. Additional: Agriculture
MP_198001_F2650_3595_ref.mov Stennis, Miss. Farm Bureau Sen. John C. Stennis addresses Miss. Farm Bureau Federation Convention. Additional: Agriculture
MP_198001_F2650_3596_ref.mov Interstate 55 at Brookhaven Ribbon-cutting ceremony for opening of Interstate 55 at Brookhaven. Southern District Highway Commissioner John Smith and Brookhaven's Junior Miss, Debbie Adams, cut the ribbon. Additional: Highways, Highway Construction
MP_198001_F2650_3597_ref.mov Rep. John Junkin News conference with State Rep. John Junkin. Junkin says he will allow his name to be placed in nomination for House Speaker.
MP_198001_F2650_3598_ref.mov City Council, Nightclub City council meeting. Mayor Allen C. Thompson and Commissioner Clark Horton talk about nightclub 'The Dump'.
MP_198001_F2650_3599_ref.mov Judge Claude Clayton Installation Federal Building. Installation of Judge Claude Clayton as a member of the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
MP_198001_F2650_3600_ref.mov Judge Claude Clayton Installation Federal Building. Installation of Judge Claude Clayton as a member of the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Judge John Godbold of Alabama, Judge James P. Coleman of Miss. and Judge John R. Brown of Texas are shown with Clayton.
MP_198001_F2650_3601_ref.mov Sen. Merle Palmer State Sen. Merle Palmer announces his candidacy for President Pro Tempore of the Miss. Senate.
MP_198001_F2650_3602_ref.mov City Council, Nightclub City Council meeting. Mayor Allen C. Thompson talks about nightclub 'The Dump'. Edgar Lee Anderson, III, a partner in the Club, talks about requiring age indentification from those coming to the nightclub.
MP_198001_F2650_3603_ref.mov Illinois Central at Paper Co. Illinois Central Railroad's new line at International Paper Co. in Vicksburg. Additional: Industry
MP_198001_F2664_3604_ref.mov Fire, Gus Primos' Home Fire at Gus Primos' home. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_F2664_3605_ref.mov Leslie Darden, MEC Meeting Leslie Darden, President of Miss. Economic Council, addresses meeting of the Council.
MP_198001_F2664_3606_ref.mov C.R. '"Red'" Bradley Retirement Country Club of Jackson. Retirement banquet for C.R. 'Red' Bradley, manager of Miss. Trucking Assoc. and former Commissioner of Public Safety. Gov. Paul B. Johnson is present.
MP_198001_F2664_3607_ref.mov Sen. Hayden Campbell State Sen. Hayden Campbell is interviewed at his office.
MP_198001_F2664_3608_ref.mov City Council, Bond Issue City Council meeting. Mayor Allen C. Thompson talks about bond issue for street improvements. Additional: Highway Construction
MP_198001_F2664_3609_ref.mov City Council, YMCA Land City Council meeting. Rowan Taylor, President-elect of the metropolitan Young Men's Christian Assoc. (YMCA) and J.B. Thompson, Jr., Secretary of YMCA, present check for property purchased for the Assoc. Mayor Allen C. Thompson is present.
MP_198001_F2664_3610_ref.mov Sheriff W.G. '"Bud'" Gray Forrest County Sheriff W.G. 'Bud' Gray talks about sheriffs' succession bill. Additional: Law Enforcement Officials
MP_198001_F2664_3611_ref.mov Vernon Jordan *Vernon Jordon, of the Southern Regional Council, talks about Institute for Negro Elected Officials. This Seminar is sponsored by the Southern Regional Council.
MP_198001_F2664_3612_ref.mov Street Improvement Program Mayor Allen C. Thompson and Commissioners Clark Horton and Derwood Boyles read statements thanking citizens after bond election for street improvement program. Additional: Highway Construction
MP_198001_F2664_3613_ref.mov Robert Clark *Robert Clark is interviewed by reporter concerning seat in Miss. House of Representatives.