WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F2698_3642_ref.mov Sen. Perrin Purvis State Sen. Perrin Purvis is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning compulsory school attendance law. Additional: Education
MP_198001_F2698_3643_ref.mov Charles L. Sullivan Swearing in of Charles L. Sullivan as Lt. Gov. He receives oath of office from Chief Justice W.N. Ethridge. Sullivan addresses Miss. legislature.
MP_198001_F2698_3644_ref.mov State Officials, Oath of Office Ten elected officials receive oath of office from Chief Justice W.N. Ethridge before a joint session of the Miss. legislature. Scene changes to outside of the Capitol Building where platform for inaugural festivities is shown. Scene changes to airport where U.S. Congressmen arrive for inauguration of John Bell Williams as Governor.
MP_198001_F2698_3645_ref.mov Artificial Heart Dr. Tetsuzo Akutsu, of the Univ. Medical Ctr., talks about artificial heart. Additional: Medicine
MP_198001_F2698_3646_ref.mov Jack McDonald News conference with Jack McDonald, Chairman of National Young Republican Federation. Additional: Republican Party.
MP_198001_F2698_3647_ref.mov Dr. Archie L. Gray Dr. Archie L. Gray talks about outbreak of meningitis at Whitfield State Hospital. Additional: Medicine
MP_198001_F2698_3648_ref.mov Dr. Porter Fortune, Tally Riddell News conference with Dr. Porter Fortune, Chancellor of Univ. of Miss. and Attorney Tally Riddell. Additional: College Presidents
MP_198001_F2698_3649_ref.mov Rep. Stone Barefield State Rep. Stone Barefield is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning election laws.
MP_198001_F2711_3650_ref.mov Sen. Ellis Bodron State Sen. Ellis Bodron announces his candidacy for Third District Congressional seat. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F2711_3651_ref.mov Joe Pigott Joe Pigott announces his candidacy for Third District Congressional seat. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F2711_3652_ref.mov Sen. Herman Decelle State Sen. Herman Decelle talks to reporter Allan Jones about the state's court system.
MP_198001_F2711_3653_ref.mov Sen. Jean Muirhead State Sen. Jean Muirhead is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning issues in the Miss. legislature.
MP_198001_F2711_3654_ref.mov Williams, Wilson Gov. John Bell Williams and R. Baxter Wilson of Miss. Power and Light Co. announce expansion of the company. Additional: Industry
MP_198001_F2711_3655_ref.mov Dahmer Murder Suspects *Suspects arrested in Dahmer murder case are moved to Hinds County jail. Vernon Dahmer, a leader in the NAACP, was killed in a firebombing of his home. Additional: Bombings, Murders
MP_198001_F2711_3656_ref.mov Troy Watkins Former Natchez Mayor Troy Watkins announces his candidacy for Third District Congressional seat. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F2711_3657_ref.mov Sen. Berta Lee White State Sen. Berta Lee White is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones on absentee voting issue.
MP_198001_F2711_3658_ref.mov March of Dimes Telethon March of Dimes Telethon. Gov. John Bell Williams is present.
MP_198001_F2711_3659_ref.mov Williams, Penitentiary Gov. John Bell Williams talks about riot started by inmates at Parchman State Penitentiary. Additional: Prisons
MP_198001_F2711_3660_ref.mov Sen. H.C. Strider, Penitentiary State Sen. H.C. Strider, Chairman of Senate Penitentiary Committee, talks about riot started by inmates at Parchman State Penitentiary. Additional: Prisons
MP_198001_F2711_3661_ref.mov Brunini Installation St. Peters Cathedral. Installation of the Most Rev. Joseph B. Brunini as the eighth Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Natchez-Jackson. Brunini is escorted to the chair by Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate to the United States and the Most Rev. Richard Gerow, retiring Bishop. Scene changes to post-installation banquet. Gov. John Bell Williams, Mayor Allen C. Thompson and Rabbi Perry Nussbaum, as well as other religious and civic leaders, are in attendance. Additional: Clergy, Catholic Church
MP_198001_F2711_3662_ref.mov Archbishop Raimondi, Bishop Gerow News conference with Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate to the United States and Bishop Joseph Brunini, of the Catholic Diocese of Natchez-Jackson. Additional: Catholic Church, Clergy
MP_198001_F2711_3663_ref.mov Bill Carraway Bill Carraway talks to reporter Allan Jones about tax increase. Additional: Taxes
MP_198001_F2711_3664_ref.mov Sen. Robert Crook State Sen. Robert Crook is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning a Classification Commission for state employees.
MP_198001_F2711_3665_ref.mov Rep. H.L. Merideth State Rep. H.L. 'Sonny' Merideth is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning Miss. Milk Commission. Additional: Dairy Industry
MP_198001_F2711_3666_ref.mov Derwood Boyles Silent footage of lot with abandoned cars. Reporter Allan Jones interviews Commissioner Derwood Boyles concerning problem of abandoned cars. Additional: Automobiles
MP_198001_F2729_3667_ref.mov Judge Carl Guernsey Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews Judge Carl Guernsey of the Hinds County Youth Court concerning the problem of glue sniffing among teenagers and drug abuse.
MP_198001_F2729_3668_ref.mov Rep. Peaster L. Hughes State Rep. Peaster L. Hughes is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning Miss. Milk Commission. Additional: Dairy Industry
MP_198001_F2729_3669_ref.mov Sen. W.B. Alexander, Jr. State Sen. W.B. Alexander, Jr. is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning legislation for salary increases for teachers.