WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F2910_3838_ref.mov Rep. Robert Clark, Rev. Jimmy Jones *News conference with State Rep. Robert Clark and Rev. Jimmy Jones where they endorse McCarthy as presidential candidate. Additional: Election Campaigns, Presidential Election
MP_198001_F2910_3839_ref.mov Sen. Bill Burgin State Sen. Bill Burgin discusses payroll appropriations for state employees.
MP_198001_F2910_3840_ref.mov Atty. Gen. Joe Patterson Atty. Gen. Joe Patterson discusses legislative investigating committee.
MP_198001_F2910_3841_ref.mov Williams, News Conference News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams concerning highway construction program.
MP_198001_F2910_3842_ref.mov Bill Simmons *Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews Bill Simmons of the Citizens' Council. Simmons discusses Council schools and the purpose of the Council. Silent footage of headquarters of Citizens' Council. More footage of Simmons.
MP_198001_F2910_3843_ref.mov Loyalist Democratic Party *Masonic Temple. Silent footage of state convention of Loyalist Democratic Party. Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews Frank Mankiewicz, former Press Secretary to Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, Minnesota Sen. Walter Mondale and civil rights leader Bayard Rustin. (sound)
MP_198001_F2910_3844_ref.mov Loyalist Democratic Party *Masonic Temple. Silent footage of state convention of Loyalist Democratic Party. Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews Frank Mankiewicz, former Press Secretary to Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, Minnesota Sen. Walter Mondale and civil rights leader Bayard Rustin. (sound)
MP_198001_F2910_3845_ref.mov Loyalist Democratic Party *Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews Greenville editor Hodding Carter,III at state convention of Loyalist Democratic Party.
MP_198001_F2910_3846_ref.mov Rev. R.L.T. Smith *Rev. R.L.T. Smith addresses Mayor Allen C. Thompson and Commissioners Derwood Boyles and Clark Horton at City Council meeting. Smith is protesting the failure of the council to appoint a black to the Jackson Redevelopment Authority.
MP_198001_F2910_3847_ref.mov Sen. Merle Palmer State Sen. Merle Palmer talks about National Democratic Convention. Additional: Democratic Party
MP_198001_F2910_3848_ref.mov Congressman G.V. Montgomery Congressman G.V. 'Sonny' Montgomery is interviewed concerning Loyalist Democratic Party.
MP_198001_F2910_3849_ref.mov Charles Clark Charles Clark comments on National Democratic Convention. Additional: Democratic Party
MP_198001_F2910_3850_ref.mov Legislative Session Scenes from session of Miss. legislature.
MP_198001_F2923_3851_ref.mov Susan Holder Susan Holder, 1968 Maid of Cotton, is interviewed concerning cotton and the clothing styles of today. Additional: Cotton Industry
MP_198001_F2923_3852_ref.mov Williams News Conference News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams.
MP_198001_F2923_3853_ref.mov Rep. Robert Clark *News conference with Rep. Robert Clark. Clark endorses presidential candidate Hubert H. Humphrey and vice-presidential candidate Edmund Muskie. Additional: Presidential Election
MP_198001_F2923_3854_ref.mov W. Marvin Watson Postmaster General W. Marvin Watson presents Public Service Award to Miss. Dept. of Public Welfare.
MP_198001_F2923_3855_ref.mov W. Marvin Watson Postmaster General W. Marvin Watson talks about the U.S. Postal Service.
MP_198001_F2923_3856_ref.mov Rep. Joe Moss Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews State Rep. Joe Moss concerning Hinds County Democratic Caucus meeting. Additional: Democratic Party
MP_198001_F2923_3857_ref.mov Robert E. Lee Hotel Auction Robert E. Lee Hotel where auction is taking place. The hotel was offered for sale at the auction. Additional: Hotels
MP_198001_F2923_3858_ref.mov Sen. Hayden Campbell State Sen. Hayden Campbell discusses the state's bond debt and the highway construction program.
MP_198001_F2923_3859_ref.mov Signs at City Auditorium Reporter Cliff Bingham talks about parking lot signs at Jackson City Auditorium. Additional: Parking Facilities
MP_198001_F2923_3860_ref.mov Bombing, Leake Co. Home *Leake County. Home of John and Christine Gates is shown after bombing. 'KKK' painted on road. Additional: Ku Klux Klan, Bombings
MP_198001_F2923_3861_ref.mov Anita Bryant Entertainer Anita Bryant is interviewed upon her arrival in Jackson. Bryant is in town for United Givers Fund kickoff drive. Additional: United Way, Entertainers
MP_198001_F2923_3862_ref.mov United Givers Fund *United Givers Fund kickoff campaign. Entertainer Anita Bryant performs. Scene changes to outside where demonstrators are picketing. Reporter interviews Alex Waites, Director of Miss. Emergency Relief Program from the national NAACP. Waites explains protest regarding certain organizations receiving money from United Givers Fund. Additional: United Way, Entertainers, Demonstrations
MP_198001_F2923_3863_ref.mov Dr. W.L. Giles Dr. W.L. Giles, President of Miss. State Univ., talks about college enrollment. Additional: Colleges and Universities, College Presidents
MP_198001_F2923_3864_ref.mov Fred Thomas, Car Tags Hinds County Sheriff Fred Thomas is interviewed by reporter Cliff Bingham concerning Miss. car tags. Additional: Automobiles
MP_198001_F2923_3865_ref.mov Williams, Lockheed Corp. Gov. John Bell Williams announces location of Lockheed Aircraft Corp. plant in the state. Additional: Industry