WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F2923_3866_ref.mov Rep. Russell Davis State Rep. Russell Davis announces his candidacy for Mayor of Jackson. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F2939_3867_ref.mov Claude Ramsay Claude Ramsay, President of the Miss. AFL-CIO labor union, talks about proposed constitutional amendment increasing the limitation of the state's bonded indebtedness.
MP_198001_F2939_3868_ref.mov Dr. Porter Fortune Dr. Porter Fortune, President of Univ. of Miss., addresses Jackson Central Lions Club. Additional: College Presidents
MP_198001_F2939_3869_ref.mov Dr. Durward Blakey Dr. Durward Blakey talks about syphillis epidemic. Additional: Medicine, Miss. Health Dept.
MP_198001_F2939_3870_ref.mov Suspension Bridge Suspension bridge near Byram, Miss.
MP_198001_F2939_3871_ref.mov Dale Danks Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews Attorney Dale Danks concerning the Jackson Patrol Ambulance Co. going out of business. Additional: Emergency Medical Services
MP_198001_F2939_3872_ref.mov Sen. Ed. Pittman State Sen. Ed Pittman talks about proposed constitutional amendment increasing the limitation of the state's bonded indebtedness.
MP_198001_F2939_3873_ref.mov Dr. Edsell Thrash *Dr. Edsel Thrash, Executive Secretary of State College Board, comments on decision prohibiting Charles Evers to be a guest speaker at Univ. of Miss.
MP_198001_F2939_3874_ref.mov Charles Evers *Charles Evers comments on the State College Board's decision which denies Evers to speak at Univ. of Miss.
MP_198001_F2939_3875_ref.mov Highway Signs Reporter Cliff Bingham comments on signs at Terry Road near highway construction site.
MP_198001_F2939_3876_ref.mov W. Hampton King State Auditor W. Hampton King comments on the state's finances.
MP_198001_F2939_3877_ref.mov Charles Johnson Charles Johnson, Executive Secretary of Miss. Education Assoc., comments on salaries of teachers.
MP_198001_F2939_3878_ref.mov Don Irvin Don Irvin, of the City Planning Board, discusses downtown parking facilities.
MP_198001_F2939_3879_ref.mov Evelyn Gandy State Treasurer Evelyn Gandy comments on proposed constitutional amendment increasing the limitation of the state's bonded indebtedness.
MP_198001_F2939_3880_ref.mov Giles Crisler, J.D. Gardner Public Safety Commissioner Giles Crisler and Miss. Highway Patrol Chief J.D. Gardner discuss highway safety and traffic accidents.
MP_198001_F2939_3881_ref.mov Williams, News Conference News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams. Discusses constitutional amendment concerning the state's bonds. Williams also discusses Miss. Highway Patrol investigators on the Miss. Gulf Coast to assist Sheriff Luther Patton in cleaning up nightclubs.
MP_198001_F2939_3882_ref.mov Tom Anderson Tom Anderson, Editor and Publisher of Southern Farm Publications, is interviewed at airport concerning presidential candidates. Additional: Presidential Election
MP_198001_F2957_3883_ref.mov Southern Student Organizing Comm. Reporter interviews members of the Southern Student Organizing Committee. The group's newspaper is discussed. Additional: Newspapers
MP_198001_F2957_3884_ref.mov Tom Anderson Heidelberg Hotel. Tom Anderson, editor and publisher of Southern Farm Publications, addresses audience at fund-raising dinner for Whitworth College. Additional: Colleges and Universities
MP_198001_F2957_3885_ref.mov Southern Student Organizing Comm. Reporter interviews members of the Southern Student Organizing Committee at an apartment on Livingston Street. The group's newspaper is discussed. Additional: Newspapers
MP_198001_F2957_3886_ref.mov Souther Student Organizing Comm. Reporter interviews members of the Southern Student Organizing Committee at an apartment on Livingston Street.
MP_198001_F2957_3887_ref.mov Joe Louis Reporter interviews boxing champion Joe Louis at Jackson Municipal Airport. He is in town to campaign for Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Sen. Edmund Muskie. Louis talks about the upcoming presidential election and about boxing. Additional: Athletes
MP_198001_F2957_3888_ref.mov Dumas Milner Dumas Milner announces automobile dealership transaction. Additional: Automobiles
MP_198001_F2957_3889_ref.mov Council on Human Relations, APWR *Miss. State Fair. Reporter interviews Ken Dean, Director of Miss. Council on Human Relations, at the organization's booth. Reporter interviews representative of Americans for the Preservation of the White Race (APWR) at the organization's booth. Both men comment on the atmosphere between the organizations which have booths beside each other at the fair.
MP_198001_F2957_3890_ref.mov Council on Human Relations, APWR *Miss. State Fair. Reporter interviews Ken Dean, Director of Miss. Council on Human Relations, at the organization's booth. Reporter interviews representative of Americans for the Preservation of the White Race (APWR) at the organization's booth. Both men comment on the atmosphere between the organizations which have booths beside each other at the fair.
MP_198001_F2957_3891_ref.mov Alan Boyd, Highway Safety Conf. Alan Boyd, U.S. Secretary of Transportation, addresses Regional Conference of Highway Safety at Miss. State Univ. in Starkville. Additional: Traffic Safety
MP_198001_F2957_3892_ref.mov Stennis, Highway Safety Conf. Sen. John C. Stennis addresses Regional Conference of Highway Safety at Miss. State Univ. in Starkville. Additional: Traffic Safety
MP_198001_F2957_3893_ref.mov Prentiss Walker Prentiss Walker announces his support of George Wallace in the upcoming presidential election.