WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F2814_3754_ref.mov Ken Dean *Ken Dean, Director of Miss. Council on Human Relations, addresses public affairs luncheon.
MP_198001_F2814_3755_ref.mov Firebombing of Odell's Odell's Carburetor Electric (Wholesale Exchange Auto Parts). Scene of firebombing. Additional: Bombings
MP_198001_F2814_3756_ref.mov Tour of City Slum Area *Mayor Allen C. Thompson, Commissioners Derwood Boyles and Clark Horton and other city officials tour depressed areas of the city with members of the Committee of Concerned Citizens. The tour was organized when Thompson said at city council meeting that Jackson had no slums. Additional: Poverty, Housing
MP_198001_F2814_3757_ref.mov George Sugg George Sugg, of Godwin Advertising Agency, receives the Silver Medal Award from the Greater Jackson Advertising Club.
MP_198001_F2814_3758_ref.mov Mrs. Claire Collins Harvey *Mrs. Claire Collins Harvey, a member of the Committee of Concerned Citizens, talks to reporter after Mayor Allen C. Thompson and other city officials toured slum areas of the city. Additional: Poverty, Housing
MP_198001_F2814_3759_ref.mov Congressman Charles Griffin News conference with Congressman Charles Griffin.
MP_198001_F2814_3760_ref.mov Clarence Hall *Clarence Hall announces his candidacy for Fourth District Congressional seat.
MP_198001_F2814_3761_ref.mov City Council, Rev. Thomas Reed *City Council meeting. Rev. Thomas Reed reads statement concerning incident of segregation and a city facility. Mayor Allen C. Thompson comments on situation. Additional: Race Relations
MP_198001_F2814_3762_ref.mov Redevelopment Authority *City Council meeting. Mayor Allen C. Thompson announces appointment of Mrs. Claire Collins Harvey to the Jackson Redevelopment Authority. Additional: Urban Renewal
MP_198001_F2814_3763_ref.mov Rep. H.L. Merideth State Rep. H.L. 'Sonny' Merideth is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning open meetings bill and open records bill.
MP_198001_F2814_3764_ref.mov Rep. Elwin Livingston State Rep. Elwin Livingston is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning small loan industry.
MP_198001_F2814_3765_ref.mov City Council, Urban Renewal *City Council meeting. Mayor Allen C. Thompson discusses urban renewal and the Jackson Redevelopment Authority.
MP_198001_F2814_3766_ref.mov City Council, Swimming Pools *City Council meeting. The issue of reopening of city swimming pools is discussed by Mayor Allen C. Thompson and Charles Evers, Field Secretary of Miss. NAACP.
MP_198001_F2831_3767_ref.mov City Council, Swimming Pools *City Council meeting with Mayor Allen C. Thompson and Commissioners Derwood Boyles and Clark Horton concerning the opening of swimming pools.
MP_198001_F2831_3768_ref.mov Liquor Liquor is moved from the Jackson Country Club to the warehouse. (silent) Clarence Brooks is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning the liquor.
MP_198001_F2831_3769_ref.mov Demonstration at Sears *Demonstration in front of Sears, Roebuck Co.. Sign 'Equal Employment Must Come Now' Additional: Demonstrations
MP_198001_F2831_3770_ref.mov Swimming Pools *Silent footage of city swimming pools. Reporter Jack Hill comments on swimming pools which were closed to prevent integration. (sound) More footage of pools.
MP_198001_F2831_3771_ref.mov Williams, Education Bill Raymond, Miss. Raymond High School. Gov. John Bell Williams signs Education Bill at ceremony in school yard. Teachers, legislators and officials of Miss. Education Assoc. and Miss. Teachers Assoc. are present.
MP_198001_F2831_3772_ref.mov Gov. Buford Ellington Tennessee Gov. Buford Ellington, Chairman of Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Authority, attends meeting of the Authority in Jackson. Gov. John Bell Williams is present.
MP_198001_F2831_3773_ref.mov Derwood Boyles, Morris Lewis Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews City Commissioner Derwood Boyles and Morris Lewis, Director of the Star Program, concerning neighborhood recreational facilities.
MP_198001_F2831_3774_ref.mov Simon Marks Simon Marks, President of Emporium Dept. Store, talks about going out of business.
MP_198001_F2831_3775_ref.mov Susan Holder Susan Holder, 1968 Maid of Cotton, is interviewed by reporter Jack Hill concerning women's clothing styles and the fashion industry.
MP_198001_F2831_3776_ref.mov Lurleen Wallace Death Gov. John Bell Williams reads statement concerning the death of Alabama Gov. Lurleen Wallace. Reporter interviews Williams concerning Wallace's death.
MP_198001_F2831_3777_ref.mov Sen. Charles Henley State Sen. Charles Henley talks about legislation on property assessments. Additional: Property Reappraisals
MP_198001_F2831_3778_ref.mov David Gardner Drowning Lake Hico. Search for drowning victim David Gardner. Additional: Drownings
MP_198001_F2831_3779_ref.mov Fred Nolan *Fred Nolan, Executive Director of Jackson Urban League, discusses goals of the League.
MP_198001_F2831_3780_ref.mov Derwood Boyles City Commissioner Derwood Boyles talks about recreational facilities and swimming pools. Additional: Parks
MP_198001_F2831_3781_ref.mov Dr. Noel McKey Hinds County Supervisor Dr. Noel McKey talks about bond issue for rennovation of Hinds County Courthouse.