WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F300_1735_ref.mov Mary Ann Mobley Homecoming Homecoming for Mary Ann Mobley of Brandon, Miss. - Miss America of 1959. Additional: Miss Mississippi
MP_198001_F300_1736_ref.mov Mary Ann Mobley Homecoming Homecoming for Mary Ann Mobley of Brandon, Miss. - Miss America of 1959. Additional: Miss Mississippi
MP_198001_F300_1737_ref.mov Power Plant Unidentified construction work. (possibly for power plant) Additional: Miss. Power and Light Co.
MP_198001_F300_1738_ref.mov Highway Underpass Highway underpass. Additional: Highway Construction
MP_198001_F300_1739_ref.mov War Memorial Building War Memorial Building.
MP_198001_F300_1740_ref.mov Judge Tom Brady Circuit Judge Tom Brady.
MP_198001_F300_1741_ref.mov Basil O'Connor Basil O'Connor, co-founder of March of Dimes, is interviewed by Reporter Dick Sanders. Additional: Medicine
MP_198001_F300_1742_ref.mov Erle Stanley Gardner Erle Stanley Gardner.
MP_198001_F300_1743_ref.mov Grady Holifield Grady Holifield.
MP_198001_F300_1744_ref.mov Edgewater Gulf Hotel Edgewater Gulf Hotel. Additional: Hotels
MP_198001_F300_1745_ref.mov Whitfield State Hospital Whitfield State Hospital. Additional: Hospitals
MP_198001_F300_1746_ref.mov Hattiesburg Hattiesburg, Miss.
MP_198001_F300_1747_ref.mov Jackson City Auditorium Jackson City Auditorium.
MP_198001_F300_1748_ref.mov Central High School Central High School. Additional: Public Schools
MP_198001_F300_1749_ref.mov Chief W.D. Rayfield Chief of Police W.D. Rayfield. Additional: Jackson Police Dept., Law Enforcement Officials
MP_198001_F300_1750_ref.mov Gulfport Gulfport, Miss. Additional: Miss. Gulf Coast
MP_198001_F300_1751_ref.mov Miss. Air National Guard Member of Miss. Air National Guard in Meridian, Miss.
MP_198001_F300_1752_ref.mov Grady Gilmore Grady Gilmore of the Miss. Highway Patrol.
MP_198001_F300_1753_ref.mov Miss. State Fair Exhibits at Miss. State Fair. Additional: 4-H Club
MP_198001_F300_1754_ref.mov President Dwight D. Eisenhower President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
MP_198001_F300_1755_ref.mov Old St. Dominics Hospital St. Dominics Hospital. Additional: Hospitals
MP_198001_F300_1756_ref.mov Gov. James P. Coleman Miss. Democratic Convention. Gov. James P. Coleman is present. Additional: Democratic Party
MP_198001_F300_1757_ref.mov Woolfolk State Office Building Woolfolk State Office Building.
MP_198001_F300_1758_ref.mov E.O. Spencer Reporter interviews E.O. Spencer, Chairman of Miss. Citizens for Eisenhower, concerning resignations.
MP_198001_F3014_3939_ref.mov Charles Mitchell Heidelberg Hotel. News conference with State Rep. Charles Mitchell. Mitchell discusses the future of the Democratic Party.
MP_198001_F3014_3940_ref.mov Hinds County Jailbreak Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews Bill Shuttleworth, Deputy Sheriff of Hinds County, concerning four prisoners who escaped from Hinds County Jail. Additional: Jackson Police Dept.
MP_198001_F3014_3941_ref.mov Hinds County Jailbreak Hinds County Jail. Scene of jailbreak. Law enforcement officials shown. Additional: Jackson Police Dept.
MP_198001_F3014_3942_ref.mov Dr. Porter Fortune Interview with Dr. Porter Fortune, President of Univ. of Miss. Additional: College Presidents