WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F351_1760_ref.mov Georgia Sen. Richard Russell Georgia Sen. Richard Russell.
MP_198001_F351_1761_ref.mov Burns Unidentified man. (Burns?)
MP_198001_F351_1762_ref.mov Ingalls Shipyard Ingalls Shipyard. Additional: Shipbuilding Industry, Ingalls Shipbuilding Co.
MP_198001_F351_1763_ref.mov Albert Babbitt Albert Babbitt of Lamar Life Insurance Co.
MP_198001_F351_1764_ref.mov Snow Snow. Additional: Weather
MP_198001_F351_1765_ref.mov Old Capitol Old Capitol Building.
MP_198001_F351_1766_ref.mov Barbara Thomas Barbara Thomas.
MP_198001_F351_1767_ref.mov Alfred Daniel Alfred Daniel.
MP_198001_F351_1768_ref.mov Missy Award Presentation of Missy Award to A. Boyd Campbell, Mrs. J. Balfour Miller and Dr. Felix J. Underwood.
MP_198001_F351_1769_ref.mov Herman Talmadge Herman Talmadge talks about the control of public schools. Additional: Education
MP_198001_F351_1770_ref.mov Bidwell Adam Bidwell Adam, Chairman of Miss. Democratic Executive Committee and former Lt. Governor.
MP_198001_F351_1771_ref.mov Sam Wilhite Sam Wilhite.
MP_198001_F351_1772_ref.mov Democratic Executive Committee Miss. Democratic Executive Committee. Additional: Democratic Party
MP_198001_F351_1773_ref.mov Allen Ellender Sen. Allen Ellender of Louisiana.
MP_198001_F351_1774_ref.mov Lexington, Miss. Scenes of Lexington, Miss.
MP_198001_F351_1775_ref.mov T.C. Forshag T.C. Forshag.
MP_198001_F351_1776_ref.mov John Smith John Smith of the Miss. Highway Dept.
MP_198001_F351_1777_ref.mov Col. David W. Eddy Col. David W. Eddy.
MP_198001_F351_1778_ref.mov John Kuykendall Jackson Attorney John Kuykendall.
MP_198001_F351_1779_ref.mov Sam McRae, Jr. Sam McRae, Jr.
MP_198001_F351_1780_ref.mov Amite Street Amite Street in downtown Jackson.
MP_198001_F351_1781_ref.mov Highway 90 Highway 90 on Miss. Gulf Coast. Additional: Highway Construction
MP_198001_F351_1782_ref.mov Emergency Communications Unit 735 Emergency Communications Unit 735. Additional: Civil Defense
MP_198001_F351_1783_ref.mov Game and Fish Museum Museum of Miss. Game and Fish Commission.
MP_198001_F351_1784_ref.mov Univ. Medical Ctr. Univ. Medical Ctr. Additional: Hospitals
MP_198001_F351_1785_ref.mov Norman Bradley Norman Bradley, Editor of 'State Times' newspaper. Additional: Newspapers
MP_198001_F351_1786_ref.mov Bolton Oil Well Oil well in Bolton, Miss. Additional: Oil Industry
MP_198001_F351_1787_ref.mov Radar Unit for Car Speed Radar unit used to determine speed of cars. Additional: Jackson Police Dept.