WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F3042_3971_ref.mov Coahoma County Teachers *Mrs. Mary Ann Scott, a National Education Assoc. Director, and C.J. Duckworth, Executive Secretary of Miss. Education Assoc., comments on Coahoma County law suit. A group of black teachers were recently dismissed by the Coahoma County School District following a cutoff of federal funds. Additional: Public Schools
MP_198001_F3042_3972_ref.mov Fred Nolan *Fred Nolan, Executive Director of Jackson Urban League, talks about race relations.
MP_198001_F3042_3973_ref.mov Homer Jones Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews Homer Jones, Director of Community Improvement Dept., concerning community improvement programs. Additional: Poverty, Housing
MP_198001_F3042_3974_ref.mov New Miss. River Bridge New bridge over the Miss. River for Interstate 20 at Vicksburg.
MP_198001_F3042_3975_ref.mov Southern Railway Hearing before the National Transportation Safety Board concerning derailment of Southern Railway train. Additional: Train Derailments
MP_198001_F3042_3976_ref.mov Admiral Hyman Rickover Admiral Hyman Rickover comments on Sen. John C. Stennis. Rickover is in Jackson to attend testimonial banquet for Stennis.
MP_198001_F3042_3977_ref.mov Williams, News Conference News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams concerning Hayes International Corp. locating in Greenville, Miss. Additional: Industry
MP_198001_F3042_3978_ref.mov Natchez Pilgrimage Scenes from Natchez Pilgrimage.
MP_198001_F3042_3979_ref.mov Roy Moore Roy Moore, Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, talks about report on crime statistics.
MP_198001_F3055_3980_ref.mov M.B. Pierce Chief M.B. Pierce, of Jackson Police Dept., is interviewed concerning the crime rate in Jackson. Additional: Law Enforcement Officials
MP_198001_F3055_3981_ref.mov Commisssioner Derwood Boyles News conference with City Commissioner Derwood Boyles where he announces his candidacy for Mayor. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F3055_3982_ref.mov Commissioner Derwood Boyles News conference with City Commissioner Derwood Boyles where he announces his candidacy for Mayor. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F3055_3983_ref.mov Brookhaven Fire Brookhaven, Miss. Scene after fire destroyed stores. Additional: Fires
MP_198001_F3055_3984_ref.mov Chamber of Commerce Meeting with Tom Hederman, Chairman of Jackson Chamber of Commerce's Industrial Distribution Division, C.B. Ryan, President of Jackson Chamber of Commerce and Dr. Kenneth Wagner, Director of Miss. Research and Development Ctr. Meeting concerns Jackson Industrial Study conducted by the Research and Development Ctr. for the Chamber of Commerce. Additional: Industry
MP_198001_F3055_3985_ref.mov Dr. Earle Reynolds Dr. Earle Reynolds is interviewed concerning the bombing in Vietnam. Additional: Vietnam War
MP_198001_F3055_3986_ref.mov Dr. Earle Reynolds Dr. Earle Reynolds talks about communication between the United States and China. Additional: World Affairs
MP_198001_F3055_3987_ref.mov Sen. William Corr State Sen. William Corr announces that he is joining the Republican Party.
MP_198001_F3055_3988_ref.mov George Fischer George Fischer, President of National Education Assoc., is interviewed during his visit to Jackson for convention of Miss. Education Assoc. Additional: Teachers
MP_198001_F3055_3989_ref.mov George Fischer George Fischer, President of National Education Assoc., is interviewed during his visit to Jackson for convention of Miss. Education Assoc. Additional: Teachers
MP_198001_F3055_3990_ref.mov Pearl River Valley/Slum Tour Presentation of results from 6 month study by Auburn University on the development of Pearl River and adjacent lands in Hinds and Rankin Counties. Study was conducted for the Pearl River Valley Development Assoc. Scene changes to tour of slum areas in the city by John Holland, Chairman of Citizens Advisory Committee, Homer Jones, and Dr. Jacob Reddix. (March 13, 1969) Additional: Poverty, Housing
MP_198001_F3055_3991_ref.mov W.P. '"Pat'" McMullan, Jr. W.P. 'Pat' McMullan, Jr. is interviewed concerning Pearl River Valley Development Assoc.
MP_198001_F3055_3992_ref.mov Williams, Law Enforcement Agency News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams. Announces establishment of new state agency, Division of Law Enforcement Assistance. Additional: Crime, Law Enforcement Officials
MP_198001_F3069_3993_ref.mov City Cnsl., Keep Jackson Beautiful Reporter Cliff Bingham on City Council meeting. Some footage of meeting. Ed Gamble, President of Keep Jackson Beautiful Program, addresses council concerning Mayor Allen C. Thompson's community improvement program. Additional: Housing
MP_198001_F3069_3994_ref.mov David Bowen Interview with David Bowen, Coordinator of Federal-State Programs, concerning medicaid.
MP_198001_F3069_3995_ref.mov Donald Irvin Donald Irvin, Director of City Planning Board, talks about Pearl River development.
MP_198001_F3069_3996_ref.mov Dr. Richard Barksdale Dr. Richard Barksdale, of Atlanta Univ., talks about student unrest on college campuses. Additional: Colleges and Universities
MP_198001_F3069_3997_ref.mov R.G. Barnes R.G. Barnes announces his candidacy for city commissioner. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F3069_3998_ref.mov Cooley/Lipscomb,Tabscott Dr. Denton Cooley, of Baylor Univ., is interviewed while attending a seminar at Univ. Medical Ctr. Cooley talks about heart transplants. Scene changes to City Council meeting. (March 25, 1969) Ed Lipscomb and Rev. Bob Tabscott address council concerning summer employment for students. Additional: Medicine, Employment Opportunities