WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F3069_3999_ref.mov Eddie Khayat Jackson County Supervisor Eddie Khayat addresses meeting in Jackson for members of boards of supervisors.
MP_198001_F3069_4000_ref.mov Dan Smith *Dan Smith, President of Miss. Teachers Assoc., is interviewed. Discusses school desegregation. Additional: Education, School Integration
MP_198001_F3069_4001_ref.mov C.J. Duckworth C.J. Duckworth, Executive Secretary of Miss. Teachers Assoc., is interviewed at meeting of the Assoc.
MP_198001_F3069_4002_ref.mov Miss. Teachers Assoc. Meeting Meeting of Miss. Teachers Assoc.
MP_198001_F3069_4003_ref.mov Williams, Eisenhower Gov. John Bell Williams reads statement concerning the death of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
MP_198001_F3069_4004_ref.mov Tom Moore Tom Moore, of ABC Television, is interviewed concerning television programming. Moore is in Jackson as guest speaker at the First Federal Foundation Awards dinner.
MP_198001_F3069_4005_ref.mov Bingham, April Fool Reporter Cliff Bingham announces his candidacy for Mayor. Announcement is an April Fool's Day joke.
MP_198001_F3069_4006_ref.mov Buddy Medlin Buddy Medlin, Director of Miss. State Parks, talks about promoting the state parks.
MP_198001_F3069_4007_ref.mov Lamar Kemp Lamar Kemp announces his candidacy for City Commissioner. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F3069_4008_ref.mov W. Sillers Office Building Ground-breaking ceremony for Walter Sillers Office Building. Gov. John Bell Williams and Mrs. Walter Sillers participate in ceremony. Members of Miss. legislature are present.
MP_198001_F3069_4009_ref.mov W. Sillers Office Building Ground-breaking ceremony for Walter Sillers Office Building. Mrs. Walter Sillers, Gov. and Mrs. John Bell Williams and House Speaker John Junkin are present.
MP_198001_F3087_4010_ref.mov Bobbie Gentry Singer Bobbie Gentry is interviewed. Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_F3087_4011_ref.mov Bobbie Gentry Singer Bobbie Gentry addresses meeting of Miss. Economic Council. Scene changes to interview with Gentry. Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_F3087_4012_ref.mov Rev. Hickman Johnson *Rev. Hickman Johnson, of Farish Street Baptist Church, is interviewed concerning memorial service for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
MP_198001_F3087_4013_ref.mov Col. John Powers Col. John Powers, former Public Affairs Officer for NASA, addresses annual meeting of Miss. Economic Council.
MP_198001_F3087_4014_ref.mov Brad Dye Brad Dye, Director of Miss. Agricultural and Industrial Board, announces oceanography conference.
MP_198001_F3087_4015_ref.mov Dr. Tetsuzo Akutsu Dr. Tetsuzo Akutsu, of Univ. Medical Ctr., discusses the progress of the artificial heart. Additional: Medicine
MP_198001_F3087_4016_ref.mov Kuhn Memorial Hospital Vicksburg, Miss. Scenes of Kuhn Memorial Hospital. Additional: Hospitals
MP_198001_F3087_4017_ref.mov Kuhn Memorial Hospital *Vicksburg, Miss. Kuhn Memorial Hospital. Dr. Nathan Lewis, Superintendent of the Hospital, is interviewed concerning federal funds being cutoff because of alleged segregation. Additional: Hospitals
MP_198001_F3087_4018_ref.mov City Council, City Water Reporter Cliff Bingham on City Council meeting. Meeting concerns the fluoridation of city water.
MP_198001_F3087_4019_ref.mov Vernon Dahmer Murder *Hinds County Courthouse. Defendants in Vernon Dahmer murder case. Additional: Murders
MP_198001_F3087_4020_ref.mov Illinois Central Strike Silent footage of strikers of United Transportation Union picketing against Illinois Central Railroad. E.H. Buelow, of Illinois Central Railroad, is interviewed concerning the strike. Additional: Unions, Strikes
MP_198001_F3087_4021_ref.mov Brad Dye Brad Dye, Director of Miss. Agricultural and Industrial Board, addresses luncheon meeting of Miss. Restaurant Assoc. Scene changes to Dye's office where he talks about upcoming oceanography conference.
MP_198001_F3087_4022_ref.mov Charles Johnson Charles Johnson, Executive Secretary of Miss. Education Assoc., is interviewed concerning proposed merger of Miss. Education Assoc. and Miss. Teachers Assoc.
MP_198001_F3087_4023_ref.mov City Council, Hawkins Field Reporter Cliff Bingham on City Council meeting. Some footage of meeting. Mayor Allen C. Thompson discusses Hawkins Field Airport.
MP_198001_F3087_4024_ref.mov Rodney Duke Day Fayette, Miss. Rodney Duke Day. Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan is guest speaker. Ceremony pays tribute to Rodney Duke, a seaman on the U.S.S. Pueblo who was held prisoner by the North Koreans for 11 months.
MP_198001_F3087_4025_ref.mov Rodney Duke Day Fayette, Miss. Rodney Duke Day. Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan is guest speaker. Ceremony pays tribute to Rodney Duke, a seaman on the U.S.S. Pueblo who was held prisoner by the North Koreans for 11 months.
MP_198001_F351_1759_ref.mov Charles De Gualle Report on Gen. Charles De Gualle. Chosen as TIME Magazine's 'Man of the Year' for 1958.