WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D287_0790_ref.mov Davis/Stennis/Research & Dev. Rpt. Silent footage of Mayor Russell Davis addressing Jackson Rotary Club. Scene changes to Sen. John C. Stennis discussing military weapons. Scene changes to report by Miss. Research and Development Ctr. concerning the Miss. Gulf Coast one year after Hurricane Camille. More footage of Davis. Discusses law enforcement officials. Additional: Jackson Police Dept., Ingalls Shipbuilding Co., Miss. Test Facility, Economy
MP_198001_D287_0791_ref.mov Baptist Hospital/Police Report Scenes of Progressive Care Unit at Baptist Hospital. (silent) Scene changes to Cliff Bingham providing weekly police report. Additional: Hospitals, Crime
MP_198001_D287_0792_ref.mov Eagle/Girl Scouts/Summer/City Cnsl. *Footage of eagle statue for top of Capitol Building. (silent) Scene changes to meeting of Girl Scouts. (silent) Scene changes to Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer making statement concerning President's Commission on Campus Unrest. Scene changes to reporter discussing property reappraisals. More footage of Girl Scout meeting. School desegregation is discussed. Scene changes to exhibit of Theodore Bilbo's political career. (silent) Additional: School Integration, Public Schools, Girl Scouts
MP_198001_D288_0793_ref.mov Housing Tour Housing tour of slum area in Jackson. Reconditioned homes are shown. Additional: Poverty
MP_198001_D288_0794_ref.mov City Council Meeting City Council Meeting. Mayor Russell Davis announces Lavell Tullos as new Jackson Police Chief. Additional: Law Enforcement Officials, Jackson Police Dept.
MP_198001_D288_0795_ref.mov Tom Cook Tom Cook, Superintendent of Parchman State Penitentiary, is interviewed concerning the number of escapes from the prison this year. Additional: Prisons
MP_198001_D288_0796_ref.mov Lavell Tullos Newly appointed Jackson Police Chief, Lavell Tullos, is interviewed. Additional: Law Enforcement Officials, Jackson Police Dept.
MP_198001_D288_0797_ref.mov Dr. John Martin *Dr. John Martin, Superintendent of Jackson Public Schools, discusses school desegregation and elementary schools. Additional: School Integration
MP_198001_D288_0798_ref.mov Tax Assessment Report on property reappraisals.
MP_198001_D288_0799_ref.mov Van Dyke at 4-H Conference Vonda Kay Van Dyke, Miss America of 1965, addresses 4-H Club Leadership Conference.
MP_198001_D288_0800_ref.mov Evers News Conference *News conference with Fayette Mayor Charles Evers and Jimmy Smith, candidate for Mayor of Port Gibson. Employment opportunities for blacks, welfare and public schools are discussed.
MP_198001_D288_0801_ref.mov Dr. Shelton Applegate Dr. Shelton Applegate, Curator of Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, talks about fossil whales in Miss. Additional: Archaeology
MP_198001_D288_0802_ref.mov NAACP Workshop *NAACP workshop dealing with problems of school desegregation of public schools. Additional: School Integration, Teachers
MP_198001_D288_0803_ref.mov Dan Martin Sen. Dan Martin talks about losing pollution aid money from the federal government.
MP_198001_D288_0804_ref.mov Henry Hederman Henry Hederman, President of Jackson Chamber of Commerce, reads statement expressing concern for education in Jackson. Additional: Public Schools
MP_198001_D288_0805_ref.mov Bridge Tournament Heidelberg Hotel. Report on bridge tournament.
MP_198001_D289_0806_ref.mov White/Police Rept./Hwy. Patrol/Cook A.M. White, Chief Engineer of Miss. Highway Dept., discusses adding lights to interstate system through Jackson and progress of interstate construction. Scene changes to Cliff Bingham providing weekly police report. Scene changes to report on bumper stickers supporting Miss. Highway Patrol. Tom Cook, Superintendent of Parchman State Penitentiary, discusses improved facilities at the prison. More footage of White. Additional: Crime, Prisons, Highway Construction
MP_198001_D289_0807_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis *Sen. John C. Stennis discusses school desegregation. Additional: Public Schools, School Integration
MP_198001_D289_0808_ref.mov City Council/Forest Service/Cross Report on City Council meeting. Some footage of meeting where city budget is approved. Scene changes to airport where U.S. Forest Service employees board airplane. (silent) They are flying to Wenatchee National Forest in Washington to fight fires. Scene changes to Billy Joe Cross, Dir. of Miss. Game and Fish Commission, discussing land purchase transaction. More footage of City Council meeting.
MP_198001_D289_0809_ref.mov Cross/Waites/Women's Liberation Silent footage of women walking downtown. Scene changes to John Cross, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, addressing meeting of school administrators. Scene changes to news conference with Alex Waites, Dir. of Miss. NAACP. He criticizes media for not giving more attention to the return of welfare funds to the federal govt. Scene changes to reporter discussing women's liberation movement. Additional: Public Schools
MP_198001_D289_0810_ref.mov Underwood/Martin/Kirshman J.W. Underwood announces resignation of School Superintendent, Dr. John Martin. Martin announces his resignation. Dr. H.S. Kirshman accepts assignment as acting Superintendent of Jackson Public Schools. More footage of Underwood. Additional: Jackson City School Board
MP_198001_D289_0811_ref.mov Eagle on Capitol Building Eagle on top of Capitol Building is shown.
MP_198001_D289_0812_ref.mov Mason/Kirshman/Larue/Clark/Dent Dr. Gilbert Mason, Dr. H.S. Kirshman and Fred Larue discuss federal grant for Jackson public schools. Scene changes to news conference with State Rep. Robert G. Clark concerning welfare testimony. Scene changes to Presidential Advisor, Harry Dent, addressing Republican Leadership Conference. More footage of Kirshman. Scene changes to unidentified man providing directions to Miss. Memorial Stadium. More footage of Clark. Owen Brooks, Dir. of Delta Ministry, discusses welfare grant loss. More footage of Dent. Additional: Republican Party
MP_198001_D290_0813_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis Sen. John C. Stennis discusses world affairs, including Vietnam War.
MP_198001_D290_0814_ref.mov Don Moore Don Moore, General Manager of WAPT-TV, discusses opening of television station. Comments on college football on television.
MP_198001_D290_0815_ref.mov Police Report Cliff Bingham provides weekly police report. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D290_0816_ref.mov Bomb Scare Car involved in bomb scare is shown parked at Shell gas service station. Men are shown inspecting the car for bomb device. Additional: Bomb Threats
MP_198001_D290_0817_ref.mov Southern Governors Conference Footage from Southern Governors Conference at Broadwater Beach Hotel on the Gulf Coast.