WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D290_0818_ref.mov Summer/City Council/Housing *News conference with Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer concerning public schools in Minnesota. Discusses school desegregation. Scene changes to report on City Council meeting. Scene changes to luncheon for 'Buy Miss. Products' Campaign. (silent) More footage of Summer.
MP_198001_D29_0143_ref.mov Dick Gregory *Dick Gregory and Charles Evers discuss the program of distributing turkeys to needy families in Miss. Boxes of turkeys are shown. Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_D291_0819_ref.mov Yazoo City Boycott *Report on ending of boycott in Yazoo City. Additional: Boycotts
MP_198001_D291_0820_ref.mov Hinds Junior College Report on the new Jackson branch of Hinds Junior College. Additional: Colleges and Universities
MP_198001_D291_0821_ref.mov Prevention of Blindness/Teamsters Jackson Mall. Silent footage of children being tested for vision. Report on vision screening program sponsored by the Miss. Society for the Prevention of Blindness. Scene changes to picket line of members of teamsters union. (silent) Additional: Strikes, Unions
MP_198001_D291_0822_ref.mov Freedom Forum Freedom Forum sponsored by Miss. Farm Bureau Federation. Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan is speaker. Interview with Mr. Noble, an American citizen, who had been held prisoner by the Russians.
MP_198001_D291_0823_ref.mov Wooters Mr. Wooters, Dir. of the Cotton Producers Institute, is interviewed concerning the cotton industry.
MP_198001_D291_0824_ref.mov Mothers March Report on mothers protesting school situation at Lake Elementary School. Silent footage of protest march to City Hall. Additional: Public Schools, Demonstrations
MP_198001_D291_0825_ref.mov Alex Waites *Alex Waites, Dir. of Miss. NAACP, discusses school desegregation situation. Additional: Public Schools
MP_198001_D291_0826_ref.mov Labor Day Report on Labor Day weekend. Additional: Holidays
MP_198001_D291_0827_ref.mov Jim Coulter on Public Housing Jim Coulter, Jackson Renewal Director, is interviewed concerning public housing plans.
MP_198001_D291_0828_ref.mov Sesame Street News conference with cast of Sesame Street television program for children. Additional: Educational Television
MP_198001_D291_0829_ref.mov Police Report Cliff Bingham provides weekly police report. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D291_0830_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis Sen. John C. Stennis discusses Vietnam War.
MP_198001_D292_0831_ref.mov Dr. H.S. Kirshman *Dr. H.S. Kirshman, Acting School Superintendent, provides enrollment statistics of public schools after first day of school. Additional: School Integration, School Desegregation
MP_198001_D292_0832_ref.mov John Wade on Miss. Economy John Wade, Manager of Miss. Research and Development Ctr., discusses economic impact of school desegregation. Additional: Economy
MP_198001_D292_0833_ref.mov City Council Meeting Report on City Council meeting. Some footage of the meeting. Jim Coulter, Jackson Renewal Director, presents housing program for the elderly to the council. Additional: Senior Citizens
MP_198001_D292_0834_ref.mov Summer/Lake School *Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer issues court injunction to National Education Assoc. representative James Williams prohibiting entrance onto school property. Scene changes to Lake School where parents are protesting school situation. More footage of Summer and Williams. More footage of Lake School and Summer. Additional: Public Schools
MP_198001_D292_0835_ref.mov Pearl River Basin Hearings Congressman Charles Griffin and Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan address Pearl River Basin hearings. Additional: Pollution
MP_198001_D292_0836_ref.mov School Desegregation Demonstration *Silent footage of parents demonstrating over school situation. Scene changes to news conference with Dr. H.S. Kirshman concerning protest. Additional: Public Schools, School Desegregation, Demonstrations
MP_198001_D292_0837_ref.mov Ora Beasley on Rural Housing Ora Beasley, President of Electric Power Associations of Miss., is interviewed concerning rural housing in the state.
MP_198001_D292_0838_ref.mov Drilling Rig/Lake School/Simmons *Silent footage of construction of off-shore drilling rig in Vicksburg. (Letourneau Marine Plant) Scene changes to parents at Lake School participating in demonstration protesting school desegregation plans. Scene changes to interview with Bill Simmons, Citizens' Council School Administrator. Discusses growth of private schools. Scene changes to report on off-shore drilling rig. Additional: Public Schools, Demonstrations, Oil Industry, School Integration
MP_198001_D292_0839_ref.mov Dr. W.L. Jaquith Dr. W.L. Jaquith, Director of Whitfield State Mental Hospital, addresses Jackson Optimist Club. He discusses drug abuse and alcohol abuse. A marijuana plant is shown. Additional: Drugs
MP_198001_D292_0840_ref.mov Lake School/Police Report/Stennis Silent footage of parents and children participating in demonstration at Lake Elementary School. Scene changes to Cliff Bingham providing weekly police report. Scene changes to Sen. John C. Stennis discussing his opposition to abolishing the electoral college. .assette duplicate does not have sound) More silent footage of Lake School demonstration over school desegregation plan. Additional: Demonstrations, Public Schools, Crime
MP_198001_D293_0901_ref.mov FOCUS/City Council/Giordano News conference with Allen C. Thompson and Ken Perry concerning the organization FOCUS (Freedom of Choice in the United States). Scene changes to report on City Council meeting. Housing for senior citizens is discussed. Scene changes to Tommy Giordano, District Dir. of Census Bureau, reporting on Charles Griffin's election campaign. Scene changes to E.E. Schnellbacher addressing Miss. Marketing Council. More footage of City Council meeting and FOCUS. Additional: Public Schools, School Desegregation, Population Statistics
MP_198001_D293_0902_ref.mov Gov. John Bell Williams News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams. Discusses upcoming Southern Governors Conference on Miss. Gulf Coast. Leslie Lampton discusses plans for conference. Reporter questions Williams concerning public school situation. Williams comments on public schools and private schools.
MP_198001_D293_0903_ref.mov George School Demonstration *George Elementary School. Parents and children participate in demonstration protesting school desegregation plan. Additional: Public Schools, Demonstrations
MP_198001_D293_0904_ref.mov Davis/Green School/Lake School *Mayor Russell Davis addresses students at Millsaps College. Talks about race relations in the city. Scene changes to Green Elementary School. Parents and children participate in demonstration protesting school desegregation plan. Scene changes to school bus which has been converted into a school. (silent) More footage of Davis. Discusses race relations.