WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F2105_3070_ref.mov Charles Evers *Charles Evers, Miss. NAACP Field Secretary, leads march in Fayette, Miss. Speech after march by Evers concerning voter registration of blacks.
MP_198001_F2105_3071_ref.mov Wirt Yerger Reporter interviews Wirt Yerger, Chairman of Miss. Republican Party, concerning Defense Secretary Robert McNamara.
MP_198001_F2105_3072_ref.mov Joe Bullock News conference with Joe Bullock, Director of Miss. Agricultural and Industrial Board. Discusses economic and industrial development in the state. Additional: Industry, Economy
MP_198001_F2105_3073_ref.mov Wirt Yerger Reporter interviews Wirt Yerger, Chairman of Miss. Republican Party, concerning fielding Republican candidates.
MP_198001_F2105_3074_ref.mov Johnson on Columbus Paper Mill Gov. Paul B. Johnson announces a new paper mill in Columbus, Miss. Additional: Industry
MP_198001_F2105_3075_ref.mov Stokes Robertson Stokes Robertson is sworn in as a judge of the Miss. Supreme Court.
MP_198001_F2105_3076_ref.mov William Haynes Justice Tom Brady at swearing in of William Haynes as Hinds County Chancery Judge. Gov. Paul B. Johnson is present.
MP_198001_F2105_3077_ref.mov Police Training Center Opening Opening of Police Training Center. Mayor Allen C. Thompson, Commissioners Derwood Boyles and Clark Horton and law enforcement officials are present. Additional: Jackson Police Dept.
MP_198001_F2127_3078_ref.mov Walter Sillers House Speaker Walter Sillers is honored for serving fifty years in Miss. legislature. Ross Barnett, Gov. Paul B. Johnson, Lt. Gov. Carroll Gartin and state legislators are present.
MP_198001_F2127_3079_ref.mov William Corr William Corr is sworn in as State Senator.
MP_198001_F2127_3080_ref.mov Capitol Building Exterior and interior scenes of Capitol Building.
MP_198001_F2127_3081_ref.mov Buford Ellington News conference with Tennessee Gov. Buford Ellington. Talks about U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Additional: Vietnam War
MP_198001_F2127_3082_ref.mov Monsignor James O'Connell Monsignor James O'Connell, of Little Rock, Arkansas, addresses meeting of Mental Health Planning Council.
MP_198001_F2127_3083_ref.mov Johnson With Paraguayan Leaders Gov. Paul B. Johnson meets with business leaders from Paraguay.
MP_198001_F2127_3084_ref.mov Jaycees DSA Winners Jaycees Distinguished Awards dinner. (silent) Scene changes to unidentified man. More footage of dinner. Charles L. Sullivan addresses group.
MP_198001_F2127_3085_ref.mov Wirt Yerger Resigns Wirt Yerger announces his resignation as Chairman of Miss. Republican Party.
MP_198001_F2127_3086_ref.mov Clarke Reed Clarke Reed, the new Chairman of Miss. Republican Party, is interviewed by reporters.
MP_198001_F2127_3087_ref.mov Clarke Reed Clarke Reed, the new Chairman of Miss. Republican Party, is interviewed by reporters. Former Chairman Wirt Yerger is present.
MP_198001_F2127_3088_ref.mov Fess Parker Television star Fess Parker arrives in Jackson for Dixie National Livestock Show. Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_F2127_3089_ref.mov Patsy Puckett Woodie Assaf interviews Patsy Puckett, Miss Mississippi of 1965 and Roland Marble.
MP_198001_F2127_3090_ref.mov Champion Angus Bull Dixie National Livestock Show. Owner of Champion Angus Bull is interviewed. Bull is shown. Additional: Animals
MP_198001_F2127_3091_ref.mov Charles Percy *Charles Percy, Republican hopeful in the Illinois Senate race, addresses Miss. Council on Human Relations at the King Edward Hotel. Discusses race relations in the north.
MP_198001_F2127_3092_ref.mov Pearl River Flood Pearl River flood. Flooded streets and homes. Additional: Floods
MP_198001_F2127_3093_ref.mov Johnson Receives Allstate Award Gov. Paul B. Johnson receives safety award from Allstate Insurance Co..
MP_198001_F2127_3094_ref.mov Roger Hull Roger Hull, President of Mutual of New York Insurance Co., addresses group at Millsaps College.
MP_198001_F2127_3095_ref.mov Johnson, Water Pollution Board Gov. Paul B. Johnson with Water Pollution Board members.
MP_198001_F2127_3096_ref.mov Snake at Jackson Zoo Jackson Zoo. Snake shown.
MP_198001_F2146_3097_ref.mov Military Officers at Legislature Military officers of fifteen nations are introduced to Miss. legislature.