WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F2146_3098_ref.mov James Quigley James Quigley, Assistant Secretary of Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare addresses water pollution meeting in Jackson.
MP_198001_F2146_3099_ref.mov Paul Smith Paul Smith is sworn in as State Veterans Employment Representative.
MP_198001_F2146_3100_ref.mov Stennis, Military Weapons Sen. John C. Stennis talks about the military and military weapons.
MP_198001_F2146_3101_ref.mov Voting, School Bond Election Clinton City Hall. People vote on school bond. Additional: Voting Procedures
MP_198001_F2146_3102_ref.mov M.P.I Industries Ground-breaking ceremony for expansion of M.P.I. Industries. Gov. Paul B. Johnson and Mayor Allen C. Thompson are present. Additional: Industry
MP_198001_F2146_3103_ref.mov Sen. Bill Burgin State Sen. Bill Burgin addresses Miss. Senate.
MP_198001_F2146_3104_ref.mov Johnson, Miss. Travel Promotion Gov. Paul B. Johnson talks about Miss. Travel promotion. Additional: Tourism
MP_198001_F2146_3105_ref.mov Convair 600 Airplane Convair 600 Turbo-prop Airplane. Additional: Airplanes
MP_198001_F2146_3106_ref.mov Rep. Walter Phillips State Rep. Walter Phillips is interviewed by reporter concerning liquor control in the state.
MP_198001_F2146_3107_ref.mov Rep. Kenneth Williams State Rep. Kenneth Williams is interviewed by reporter concerning redistricting. Additional: Reapportionment
MP_198001_F2146_3108_ref.mov Aerial Fertilizing in Delta Aerial fertilizing in the Delta. Additional: Agriculture, Airplanes
MP_198001_F2146_3109_ref.mov Miss. Education Assoc. Miss. Education Assoc. meeting. Incoming President Emma Ruth Corban and outgoing President, Norman McKenzie. Additional: Teachers
MP_198001_F2146_3110_ref.mov Johnson, Howard Furniture Co. Gov. Paul B. Johnson announces expansion of Howard Furniture Co. in Starkville, Miss.
MP_198001_F2146_3111_ref.mov Duckworth Addresses MTA C.J. Duckworth, Executive Secretary of Miss. Teachers Assoc., addresses meeting of the association.
MP_198001_F2146_3112_ref.mov Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. addresses meeting of Miss. Teachers Assoc.
MP_198001_F2146_3113_ref.mov Miss. Teachers Assoc. Annual meeting of Miss. Teachers Assoc.
MP_198001_F2146_3114_ref.mov Illinois Central Coal Shute Coal Shute of Illinois Central Railroad is torn down.
MP_198001_F2146_3115_ref.mov Eastland, Miss. Farm Bureau Sen. James O. Eastland addresses annual meeting of Miss. Farm Bureau Federation.
MP_198001_F216_1681_ref.mov Tombigbee Compact Gov. James P. Coleman attends meeting. (possibly concerning Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway)
MP_198001_F216_1682_ref.mov Eddie Hodges Parade honoring entertainer Eddie Hodges. Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_F216_1683_ref.mov Highway Construction Highway overpasses. Additional: Highway Construction
MP_198001_F216_1684_ref.mov Storm Damage Damage from storm in Columbus, Miss. Additional: Weather
MP_198001_F216_1685_ref.mov U Auto Buy Campaign Parade for 'U Auto Buy Campaign.' Additional: Automobiles
MP_198001_F216_1686_ref.mov National Press Women's Convention Convention of National Federation of Press Women.
MP_198001_F216_1687_ref.mov Pearl River Flood Pearl River flood scenes. Additional: Floods
MP_198001_F216_1688_ref.mov Gov. James P. Coleman Gov. James P. Coleman addresses Miss. legislature. Talks about Parchman State Penitentiary. Additional: Prisons
MP_198001_F216_1689_ref.mov John D. Williams Univ. of Miss. Chancellor John D. Williams. Discusses First Federal Foundation Distinguished Service Award Program. Additional: College Presidents
MP_198001_F216_1690_ref.mov Walter Sillers House Speaker Walter Sillers.