Governor Haley Barbour Health and Human Services Policy Advi... Series 2777

This series consists of memos, spreadsheets, letters, and documents that were created or edited by Governor Haley Barbour's health and human services policy advisors from 2004 to 2011. Topics covered in the material include health care reform, Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP), and other subjects that deal with the well-being of the people of Mississippi. The electronic records (predominantly Word documents and Excel spreadsheets) are presented online as PDF files for easier access. Other records for the series are available in the William F. Winter Archives and History Building.

Filename File_path Orig_filename
Governor SERID letter Sep 09.pdf CWhitfield/Rehab Services Governor SERID letter Sep 09.doc
2011- 08-16-RGPPC MEDICAID REPORT DRAFT 1 Candice changes.pdf CWhitfield/RGA 2011- 08-16-RGPPC MEDICAID REPORT DRAFT 1 Candice changes.docx
1-30-07 S-CHIP Legislature Bullet Summary.pdf CWhitfield/SCHIP 1-30-07 S-CHIP Legislature Bullet Summary.doc
CHIPEligibilityGuidelinesRevised030107.pdf CWhitfield/SCHIP CHIPEligibilityGuidelinesRevised030107.pdf
Hoopy letter SCHIP contract 7.15.08.pdf CWhitfield/SCHIP Hoopy letter SCHIP contract 7.15.08.doc
Letter to Congressional Del.pdf CWhitfield/SCHIP Letter to Congressional Del.doc
MS Insured Uninsured by Race Age Sex Pov Level 2005.pdf CWhitfield/SCHIP MS Insured Uninsured by Race Age Sex Pov Level 2005.pdf
SCHIP Issue Brief Jan 2007_1.pdf CWhitfield/SCHIP SCHIP Issue Brief Jan 2007_1.pdf
SCHIP.memo.8.2.06.pdf CWhitfield/SCHIP SCHIP.memo.8.2.06.doc
SCHIP talking points 1.25.09.pdf CWhitfield/SCHIP SCHIP talking points 1.25.09.doc
Technical Brief on SCHIP Formula Jan 2007.pdf CWhitfield/SCHIP Technical Brief on SCHIP Formula Jan 2007.pdf
Memo 9.21.07 Eligibility by county.pdf CWhitfield/SCHIP/Counts on Roll Memo 9.21.07 Eligibility by county.doc
7-26-07 Senate Finance Cmte SCHIP letter_1.pdf CWhitfield/SCHIP/letters 7-26-07 Senate Finance Cmte SCHIP letter_1.pdf
hancock and simpson general memo.pdf CWhitfield/SSBG hancock and simpson general memo.doc
Memo sub-grant awards update 8.2.07.pdf CWhitfield/SSBG Memo sub-grant awards update 8.2.07.doc
Update Katrina Subgrants 7. 26. 07.pdf CWhitfield/SSBG Update Katrina Subgrants 7. 26. 07.xls
Medicaid presentation for stimulus summit.pdf CWhitfield/stimulus bill 2009 Medicaid presentation for stimulus summit.pdf
DMH.pdf CWhitfield/Tobacco DMH.doc
Barbour Certification Letter draft.pdf CWhitfield/UMC Barbour Certification Letter draft.docx
UMC HRSA letter.pdf CWhitfield/UMC UMC HRSA letter.pdf
memo.12.11.06.pdf CWhitfield/uncompensated care memo.12.11.06.doc
memo.9.26.06.pdf CWhitfield/uncompensated care memo.9.26.06.doc
Memo.GHB.explaination.10.10.06.pdf CWhitfield/uncompensated care Memo.GHB.explaination.10.10.06.doc
Memo.update.10.15.06.pdf CWhitfield/uncompensated care Memo.update.10.15.06.doc
UCCP payout summary_1103revised.pdf CWhitfield/uncompensated care UCCP payout summary_1103revised.xls
UCCP payout summary_1110.pdf CWhitfield/uncompensated care UCCP payout summary_1110.xls
UCCP payout summary_12.07.pdf CWhitfield/uncompensated care UCCP payout summary_12.07.xls
UpdateMemo.11.15.06.pdf CWhitfield/uncompensated care UpdateMemo.11.15.06.doc
To.pdf CWhitfield/word To.doc
2-12-09 meeting.pdf DCarney/DCarney/word/Candice Whitfield documents 2-12-09 meeting.doc