Governor Haley Barbour Health and Human Services Policy Advi... Series 2777

This series consists of memos, spreadsheets, letters, and documents that were created or edited by Governor Haley Barbour's health and human services policy advisors from 2004 to 2011. Topics covered in the material include health care reform, Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP), and other subjects that deal with the well-being of the people of Mississippi. The electronic records (predominantly Word documents and Excel spreadsheets) are presented online as PDF files for easier access. Other records for the series are available in the William F. Winter Archives and History Building.

Filename File_path Orig_filename
Board Meeting 4.27.07.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health Board Meeting 4.27.07.doc
Board of Health memo May 24th meeting 6.3.07.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health Board of Health memo May 24th meeting 6.3.07.doc
Breast Cancer Info.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health Breast Cancer Info.doc
burn Center.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health burn Center.doc
Cash Reserve memo.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health Cash Reserve memo.docx
HB 1102 CON Study.Committee Sub.bill summary.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health HB 1102 CON Study.Committee Sub.bill summary.doc
MRSA memo 10.25.07.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health MRSA memo 10.25.07.doc
SB 2764 board and search process.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health SB 2764 board and search process.doc
State Health Officer Search memo 11.21.07.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health State Health Officer Search memo 11.21.07.doc
State.PlanApproval.Letter.11-06.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health State.PlanApproval.Letter.11-06.doc
State.PlanApproval.Letter.8.11.09.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health State.PlanApproval.Letter.8.11.09.doc
Talking Points MDH Summit 5.23.07.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health Talking Points MDH Summit 5.23.07.doc
Trauma Care tAsk Force memo.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health Trauma Care tAsk Force memo.doc
Gov memo and resumes.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/Infant Mortality Gov memo and resumes.doc
IMRBlueRibbondescirption_1.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/Infant Mortality IMRBlueRibbondescirption_1.doc
Infant Mortality memo 10.2.07.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/Infant Mortality Infant Mortality memo 10.2.07.doc
names and cites of task fore members.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/Infant Mortality names and cites of task fore members.doc
Update to 2006 Stats memo.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/Infant Mortality Update to 2006 Stats memo.doc
Obesity Data for SGA.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/obesity Obesity Data for SGA.doc
Obesity Fact Sheet.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/obesity Obesity Fact Sheet.doc
7.29.09 Executive Order memo .pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/Pandemic 7.29.09 Executive Order memo .doc
Talking Points Pandemic conference.6.2.09.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/Pandemic Talking Points Pandemic conference.6.2.09.doc
2011 State Health Plan memo.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/State Health Plan 2011 State Health Plan memo.doc
2012 SHP approval letter.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/State Health Plan 2012 SHP approval letter.doc
2012 SHP memo.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/State Health Plan 2012 SHP memo.doc
final memo to gov SHP FY 2010.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/State Health Plan final memo to gov SHP FY 2010.doc
SHP approval letter 2011.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/State Health Plan SHP approval letter 2011.doc
SHP Approval Letter FY 2010.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/State Health Plan SHP Approval Letter FY 2010.doc
Final Members trauma care task force 2007.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/Trauma Care Task Force Final Members trauma care task force 2007.xls
meeting notice for July 9.pdf CWhitfield/Department of Health/Trauma Care Task Force meeting notice for July 9.doc