WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F2746_3698_ref.mov Rep. Charles Mitchell State Rep. Charles Mitchell is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning tax legislation. Additional: Taxes
MP_198001_F2746_3699_ref.mov Clarence Coleman *Reporter Allan Jones interviews Clarence Coleman, Director of the Southern Regional Office of the National Urban League. Discusses racial disturbances throughout the nation.
MP_198001_F2762_3700_ref.mov Dr. John Peoples, Installation Dr. John Peoples is installed as President of Jackson State College. Gov. John Bell Williams and Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan are present at the ceremony. (silent) Scene changes to interview with Peoples. Talks about the college. Additional: College Presidents
MP_198001_F2762_3701_ref.mov Sen. Strom Thurmond *Jackson Municipal Airport. South Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond is interviewed by reporter Mark Ledbetter concerning civil rights legislation.
MP_198001_F2762_3702_ref.mov Rep. C.B. Newman State Rep. C.B. Newman is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning tax legislation. Additional: Taxes
MP_198001_F2762_3703_ref.mov Charles Griffin News conference with Charles Griffin, candidate for Third District Congressional Seat. Discusses campaign issues. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F2762_3704_ref.mov Voting, Congressional Seat People arrive at poll to vote during election for Third District Congressional Seat. Additional: Voting Procedures
MP_198001_F2762_3705_ref.mov Rep. Sutton Marks State Rep. Sutton Marks talks about day care facilities in the state.
MP_198001_F2762_3706_ref.mov Jeanine Ogletree Jackson Municipal Airport. Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews Jeanine Ogletree, a former employee of WLBT who is now in the entertainment business. Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_F2762_3707_ref.mov Charles Griffin, Victory Statement News conference with Charles Griffin. Griffin, a candidate for Third District Congressional Seat, reads victory statement after election. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F2762_3708_ref.mov Sen. Strom Thurmond Jackson Municipal Airport. South Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond is interviewed by reporter Mark Ledbetter. Discusses possible Republican Party Presidential candidates. Additional: Presidential Election
MP_198001_F2762_3709_ref.mov Williams News Conf., Taxes News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams. Discusses income tax and sales tax legislation. Additional: Taxes
MP_198001_F2762_3710_ref.mov Atty. Gen. Joe Patterson Atty. Gen. Joe Patterson talks to reporter. Allan Jones concerning general election in November.
MP_198001_F2762_3711_ref.mov Ernest Gilbert *News conference with Ernest Gilbert, Grand Dragon of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Gilbert reads statement concerning objection to violence.
MP_198001_F2762_3712_ref.mov Russ Johnson Banker Russ Johnson, of Deposit Guaranty Bank, talks to reporter Allan Jones about gold. Additional: Banking Industry
MP_198001_F2762_3713_ref.mov Martin Agronsky Martin Agronsky, CBS reporter and analyst, addresses meeting of Miss. Education Assoc.
MP_198001_F2762_3714_ref.mov Charles Griffin News conference with Charles Griffin concerning campaign incident with a camera crew from Atlanta. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F2762_3715_ref.mov Sen. Bob Perry State Sen. Bob Perry is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning income tax legislation. Additional: Taxes
MP_198001_F2762_3716_ref.mov Sen. Hayden Campbell State Sen. Hayden Campbell talks about income tax legislation. Additional: Taxes
MP_198001_F2779_3717_ref.mov Sen. H.C. Strider State Sen. H.C. Strider is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones. Discusses Parchman State Penitentiary. Additional: Prisons
MP_198001_F2779_3718_ref.mov Josh Halbert Garden City Hall. Reporter Cliff Bingham talks about City Council meeting and the Josh Halbert Garden. Bingham interviews city engineer Josh Halbert.
MP_198001_F2779_3719_ref.mov Horton on Ryan Resignation City Commissioner Clark Horton reads statement concerning controversy over resignation of Thad Ryan, Chairman of the Airport Authority.
MP_198001_F2779_3720_ref.mov Thompson on Ryan Resignation Mayor Allen C. Thompson reads statement concerning controversy of resignation of Thad Ryan, Chairman of the Airport Authority.
MP_198001_F2779_3721_ref.mov Snow Snow in downtown area. City Hall and Governor's Mansion shown. Traffic accident. Additional: Weather
MP_198001_F2779_3722_ref.mov Gen. Walter Johnson Maj. Gen. Walter Johnson, of the Miss. National Guard, addresses audience at breakfast for Mayor Allen C. Thompson.
MP_198001_F2779_3723_ref.mov O.B. Curtis Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews City Engineer O.B. Curtis concerning sewage treatment plant and water pollution. Additional: Waste Disposal
MP_198001_F2779_3724_ref.mov William Kircher William Kircher, National Director for organizing AFL-CIO, addresses annual convention of AFL-CIO. Additional: Unions
MP_198001_F2779_3725_ref.mov Bull on Highway 80 Bull killed on Highway 80. The bull allegedly escaped from Jackson Packing Co. Additional: Animals