WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_F2779_3726_ref.mov Garvin Johnston Garvin Johnston, State Superintendent of Education, addresses annual convention of AFL-CIO. Additional: Unions
MP_198001_F2779_3727_ref.mov Frank Smith Frank Smith is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning labor and management. Additional: Unions
MP_198001_F2779_3728_ref.mov Rep. Ben Owen State Rep. Ben Owen talks to reporter Allan Jones concerning having annual sessions of the Miss. legislature.
MP_198001_F2779_3729_ref.mov Horace Lester, Reservoir Roads Reporter Allan Jones interviews city engineer Horace Lester concerning roads to Barnett Reservoir. Additional: Highway Construction
MP_198001_F2779_3730_ref.mov Judge Sarah Hughes Federal Judge Sarah Hughes, of Dallas, Texas, is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning federal court system.
MP_198001_F2779_3731_ref.mov J.L. Pete McGee Reporter Cliff Bingham interviews Hinds County Supervisor J.L. (Pete) McGee concerning the opening of Lake Hico.
MP_198001_F2779_3732_ref.mov Eleanor Steber News conference with Metropolitan Opera Star Eleanor Steber. Steber is in town for dedication ceremony for new Jackson City Auditorium. Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_F2779_3733_ref.mov Stafford Barff Stafford Barff, British Consul General in New Orleans, talks about the bombing in Vietnam. Additional: Vietnam War
MP_198001_F2798_3734_ref.mov Jim Buck Ross Jim Buck Ross, Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, is interviewed by reporter concerning the problem of fire ants.
MP_198001_F2798_3735_ref.mov City Auditorium Dedication Dedication ceremony for new Jackson City Auditorium. Metropolitan Opera Star Eleanor Steber, Mayor Allen C. Thompson and Gov. John Bell Williams participate in ceremony.
MP_198001_F2798_3736_ref.mov City Auditorium Dedication ceremony for new city auditorium. Mayor Allen C. Thompson, Commissioners Derwood Boyles and Clark Horton, Gov. John Bell Williams and Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan are present.
MP_198001_F2798_3737_ref.mov City Council City Council meeting with Mayor Allen C. Thompson and Commissioners Derwood Boyles and Clark Horton.
MP_198001_F2798_3738_ref.mov Gov. Claude Kirk News conference with Florida Gov. Claude Kirk. Talks about presidential candidates. Additional: Presidential Election
MP_198001_F2798_3739_ref.mov Bob Mitchell Bob Mitchell announces his candidacy in congressional election. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F2798_3740_ref.mov Sen. Ellis Bodron State Sen. Ellis Bodron announces that he will not be a candidate in congressional election. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_F2798_3741_ref.mov Eddie Khayat Jackson County Supervisor Eddie Khayat is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning county unit system.
MP_198001_F2798_3742_ref.mov Lawrence Guyot *News conference with Lawrence Guyot, Chairman of Miss. Freedom Democratic Party concerning assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. Guyot requests that the black community boy cott businesses, schools and employment for a limited time. Additional: Boycotts
MP_198001_F2798_3743_ref.mov Leo Seal Leo Seal, President-elect of Miss. Economic Council, is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones concerning the state's economic future. Additional: Economy
MP_198001_F2798_3744_ref.mov Virginia Graham Television personality Virginia Graham is interviewed by reporter Mark Ledbetter. Graham discusses clothing styles. Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_F2798_3745_ref.mov Virginia Graham Television personality Virginia Graham is interviewed by reporter Mark Ledbetter. Graham discusses a woman's career and motherhood. Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_F2798_3746_ref.mov Explosives *Explosives are found in wooded area off Wells Road north of Raymond Road. Additional: Bombings
MP_198001_F2798_3747_ref.mov Explosives *Explosives are found in wooded area off Wells Road north of Raymond Road. Additional: Bombings
MP_198001_F2798_3748_ref.mov Congressman G.V. Montgomery Congressman G.V. 'Sonny' Montgomery is interviewed by reporter Allan Jones. Talks about Vietnam War.
MP_198001_F2798_3749_ref.mov Thompson on Evers' Telegram *Mayor Allen C. Thompson reads statement concerning telegram from Charles Evers, Field Secretary of Miss. NAACP, requesting a conference to discuss racial issues. Additional: Race Relations
MP_198001_F2814_3750_ref.mov Boyles, Recreation Facilities City Commissioner Derwood Boyles talks about a program for recreational facilities in neighborhoods. Additional: Parks
MP_198001_F2814_3751_ref.mov Freeman Evans Freeman Evans talks to reporter Allan Jones concerning traffic safety and traffic accidents.
MP_198001_F2814_3752_ref.mov J.A. Miller J.A. Miller, President of Miss. Trucking Assoc., explains twin trailer law.
MP_198001_F2814_3753_ref.mov Democratic Executive Committee Meeting of Democratic Executive Committee. Gov. John Bell Williams is present. Additional: Democratic Party