WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D328_1200_ref.mov VA Presentations John Byrd, Director of Veterans Administration Center, presents certificates of eligibility to Stephen Kerin and Mrs. Thomas Collins.
MP_198001_D328_1201_ref.mov Horses Cliff Bingham reports from riding club in North Jackson. Bingham is shown riding horse. This is a 'People, Places and Things Report.' Additional: Animals
MP_198001_D328_1202_ref.mov Horace Turnbull *Horace Turnbull, President of the Student Government at Tougaloo Southern Christian College, talks about incidents between students and law enforcement officials.
MP_198001_D328_1203_ref.mov Mayor Russell Davis News conference with Mayor Russell Davis. Discusses school board appointment. Additional: Jackson City School Board
MP_198001_D328_1204_ref.mov Miss. Legislature Jack Hill reports on Miss. legislature. State Senators A.J. Foster, Vol Jones and Ollie Mohamed comment on bill which would create new state agency - Bureau of Drug Enforcement. Additional: Drugs
MP_198001_D328_1205_ref.mov McClure/PPT/Prisons/Hansen Actor Doug McClure is interviewed. (sound and silent) Silent footage of mailboxes. This is a 'People, Places and Things Report.' More of McClure. Sound and silent footage of hearing held by Senate Penitentiary Subcommittee. Scene changes to Texas businessman H. Ross Perot. (silent) Sound and silent footage of Congresswoman Julia Butler Hansen of Washington addressing joint session of legislature. More footage of McClure. Additional: Prisons, Parchman State Penitentiary, Entertainers
MP_198001_D329_1206_ref.mov Implied Consent Bill Freeman Evans, of the Miss. Safety Council, comments on Implied Consent Bill.
MP_198001_D329_1207_ref.mov Airplane Crash Scenes from airplane crash near Bolton, Miss. Additional: Airplane Crashes
MP_198001_D329_1208_ref.mov Black History Week Silent footage of exhibit for Black History Week. Reporter Corrice Collins talks about scheduled events at colleges and universities for Black History Week.
MP_198001_D329_1209_ref.mov Police Report Cliff Bingham provides weekly police report. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D329_1210_ref.mov Baseball Player Major league baseball player (Williams) talks about his profession. Additional: Athletes
MP_198001_D329_1211_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis Sen. John C. Stennis talks about Vietnam War. The.assette duplicate is silent.
MP_198001_D329_1212_ref.mov Miss. Legislature Jack Hill reports on Miss. legislature. State Senators Theodore Smith and Marion Smith and House Speaker John Junkin talk about extending the legislative session.
MP_198001_D329_1213_ref.mov Business Report Research Economist Irlyn Cruthirds, of Miss. Research and Development Ctr., provides monthly business report. She provides population statistics for the state.
MP_198001_D329_1214_ref.mov Ambassador from Ghana Ebenezer Moses Debrah, Ambassador from Ghana, talks to reporters. He is in Jackson for Black History Week.
MP_198001_D329_1215_ref.mov Longwood Plantation Natchez, Miss. Footage of Longwood Plantation which was designated as a national historic landmark by the National Park Service.
MP_198001_D329_1216_ref.mov Police Report Cliff Bingham provides weekly police report. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D329_1217_ref.mov Basketball Footage of basketball game. Additional: Sports Events
MP_198001_D329_1218_ref.mov Automation and Cotton Industry Footage of farm near Canton. Farm animals and equipment used in cotton fields are shown. Additional: Cotton Industry, Agriculture
MP_198001_D329_1219_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis Sen. John C. Stennis talks about Laos and the Vietnam War. The.assette duplicate is silent.
MP_198001_D329_1220_ref.mov Miss. Legislature Jack Hill reports on Miss. legislature. State Rep. Hainon Miller talks about legislation for day care facilities.
MP_198001_D329_1221_ref.mov Black History Week Footage of exhibit for Black History Week.
MP_198001_D329_1222_ref.mov Hurst/Museum Exhibit/Basketball Dr. J. William Hurst, President-elect of American Heart Assoc., talks about research in the area of heart disease and health professions. Scene changes to Old Capitol Museum where exhibit on historic preservation is shown. (silent) Scene changes to basketball practice at Jackson State College. (silent) More footage of Hurst. Additional: Medicine
MP_198001_D329_1223_ref.mov Dixie National Livestock Show Reporter Forrest Cox interviews participants at Dixie National Livestock Show.
MP_198001_D329_1224_ref.mov John Junkin House Speaker John Junkin is interviewed concerning the current legislative session.
MP_198001_D329_1225_ref.mov Dogs and Garbage Cans Silent footage of dogs going through garbage cans. This is a 'People, Places and Things Report.'
MP_198001_D329_1226_ref.mov Stephens/City Council/Cosmetics State Rep. Edgar Stephens comments on educational television in the state. Scene changes to City Council meeting. Mayor Russell Davis nominates James R. Johnson to Jackson City School Board. Scene changes to cosmetics classes for blind women at Gayfer's Dept. Store. (silent) Cliff Bingham offers explanation for his fake arrest by police. Unidentified legislator talks about Miss. Game and Fish Commission. Additional: Blind Persons
MP_198001_D330_1227_ref.mov Nolan/Evers/Stephens/Fortune... *News conference with Fred Nolan, Dir. of Jackson Urban League and Fayette Mayor Charles Evers. Scene changes to interview with State Rep. Edgar Stephens about educational television. Scene changes to luncheon where Dr. Porter Fortune, Chancellor of Univ. of Miss., is speaker. (sound and silent) Rep. John Conyers of Michigan is interviewed about blacks in politics. Report by Jack Hill on legislature. State Sen. Bill Burgin comments on Parchman State Penitentiary. More footage of Fortune, Evers and Nolan. Additional: Prisons, Colleges and Universities, College Presidents