WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D330_1228_ref.mov Miss. State Univ. Newspaper Charles Yoste, Miss. State Univ. Student Body President, is interviewed concerning school newspaper. Additional: Newspapers
MP_198001_D330_1229_ref.mov Gov. Williams Receives Award Gov. John Bell Williams receives award from the Office of Civil Defense for his leadership during Hurricane Camille.
MP_198001_D330_1230_ref.mov Police Department Study Jack Boyer, of the Public Administration Service, provides information from recent study of Jackson Police Dept.
MP_198001_D330_1231_ref.mov James R. Johnson News conference with James R. Johnson, newly-appointed member of Jackson City School Board.
MP_198001_D330_1232_ref.mov Dixie National Livestock Show Report on Dixie National Livestock Show.
MP_198001_D330_1233_ref.mov Bill Burgin State Sen. Bill Burgin is interviewed concerning money requested by colleges and universities for the upcoming fiscal year.
MP_198001_D330_1234_ref.mov Barnett Reservoir Cliff Bingham interviews Barnett Reservoir Manager, Eugene Thomas, concerning swimming areas for the public. Silent footage of reservoir. This is a 'People, Places and Things Report.'
MP_198001_D330_1235_ref.mov Fine Arts Award Author Eudora Welty is presented the first annual Fine Arts Award from Miss. Arts Commission.
MP_198001_D330_1236_ref.mov Lincoln/Poirier/Cyphers *Silent footage of National Evaluative Conf. in Black Studies at Jackson State College. Featured speaker is Dr. C. Eric Lincoln. Scene changes to report by Jack Hill on Miss. legislature. Normand Poirier, President-elect of Federal Bar Assoc., is asked about the state's national image. Scene changes to interview with Ron Cyphers about new program for deaf and blind children. More footage of Jackson State College conference. Lincoln addresses audience. Additional: Handicapped Persons
MP_198001_D330_1237_ref.mov Ossie Davis Actor-director Ossie Davis is interviewed. Discusses blacks' advancements in the entertainment industry. Additional: Entertainers
MP_198001_D330_1238_ref.mov Historic Preservation Conference Miss. Conference on Historic Preservation, sponsored by Miss. Dept. of Archives and History, is held at the Old Capitol Museum.
MP_198001_D330_1239_ref.mov Miss. State Univ. Footage of scenes from Miss. State Univ. campus. Students are shown attending classes and working jobs on campus. This film is for report on financial aid for college students. Additional: Colleges and Universities
MP_198001_D330_1240_ref.mov Willie Richardson Willie Richardson talks about professional football and Archie Manning. Additional: Athletes
MP_198001_D330_1241_ref.mov Miss USA/Sumners/ Stringer Miss USA, Debbie Shelton, talks about her modeling career and her belief that it is bad to force children into entering beauty contests when they do not want to. Senator Emerson Stringer discusses the need for a state wide helicopter ambulance service. Reporter Jack Hill discusses the Senate proposal to require training for ambulance personal. Senator Cecil Lamar Sumners talks about his legislative proposal to establish an international garden park in the state.
MP_198001_D330_1242_ref.mov C.J. Duckworth *News conference with C.J. Duckworth concerning legal action which will be taken by National Education Assoc. (NEA) against the city of West Point. This is in connection with alleged beating of black NEA field worker by city police officers.
MP_198001_D330_1243_ref.mov STAR Program *News conference with Director of STAR Program over accusations of discrimination in hiring practices.
MP_198001_D330_1244_ref.mov Ed Cates City Commissioner Ed Cates is interviewed concerning nomination to Civil Service Board.
MP_198001_D330_1245_ref.mov Black Literature for Libraries Dr. Jessie Carney Smith, Head Librarian at Fisk Univ., is interviewed concerning black literature for library collections. Additional: Libraries
MP_198001_D33_0157_ref.mov Arrests of Demonstrators *Mayor Allen C. Thompson defends arrests of demonstrators. Comments on marchers, demonstrations and police brutality.
MP_198001_D33_0158_ref.mov MFDP March *Demonstrators march in twos. Some marchers wear signs. One marcher carries sign 'M.F.D.P.' (Miss. Freedom Democratic Party). March proceeds by State Capitol Building, Governor's Mansion and Primos Restaurant. Additional: Demonstrations
MP_198001_D33_0159_ref.mov Thompson Comments on Marches *Mayor Allen C. Thompson comments on demonstrators involved in marches. Additional: Demonstrations
MP_198001_D33_0160_ref.mov Camp Shelby Camp Shelby. Arrival of Gov. Paul B. Johnson. Medals awarded to soldiers. Airplanes flying. Parachutist shown.
MP_198001_D33_0161_ref.mov Neshoba County Fair Speeches *Neshoba County Fair. Speeches by Gov. Paul B. Johnson, Lt. Gov. Carroll Gartin, William Winter, John Bell Williams and Ross Barnett. Additional: Miss. Freedom Democratic Party, Voter Registration, Voting Rights Act
MP_198001_D33_0162_ref.mov Hugh L. White Funeral Hugh L. White Funeral. Gov. Paul B. Johnson comments on death of White. Footage on White's life. American Flag and Miss. State Flag at half-mast at Woolfolk State Office Bldg. Casket inside State Capitol. Johnson, Lt. Gov. and Mrs. Carroll Gartin, James P. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Barnett and others arrive at funeral.
MP_198001_D331_1246_ref.mov Delta Tornadoes Footage from tornado destruction in the Delta. Additional: Tornadoes
MP_198001_D332_1247_ref.mov Delta Tornadoes Footage of destruction from tornadoes in the Delta.
MP_198001_D333_1248_ref.mov Tornado/Perot/Basketball Silent footage of destruction from tornadoes in Miss. Delta. Scene changes to Jackson City Auditorium where H. Ross Perot participates in 'Free the Prisoners' Day Program. Scene changes to high school basketball tournament. (silent) More footage of tornado destruction and Perot. Additional: Sports Events, Prisoners of War
MP_198001_D333_1249_ref.mov E.L. Boteler E.L. Boteler, Director of Miss. Highway Dept., talks about some of the interstate projects in central Miss. Additional: Highway Construction