WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D340_1278_ref.mov Rep. H.L. Merideth Rep. H.L. Merideth comments on Implied Consent Bill.
MP_198001_D34_0163_ref.mov Mental Health Planning Council Felix J. Underwood State Board of Health Building. Mental Health Planning Council report. Dr. William L. Jaquith, Caldwell and Moore speak.
MP_198001_D34_0164_ref.mov Miss. State Fair Preview Upcoming Miss. State Fair discussed - entertainment, fair activities and exhibits. Upcoming Dixie National Livestock Show discussed.
MP_198001_D34_0165_ref.mov Miss. Test Facility Aerial view of barge carrying rocket to Miss. Test Facility. Miss. Test Facility complex shown. Additional: NASA
MP_198001_D34_0166_ref.mov Air Show Raymond Air Show. Airplanes perform stunts.
MP_198001_D341_1279_ref.mov Greaves/Travis/Decelle *News conference with Elmore Greaves, candidate for Lt. Governor regarding black and ethnic literature taught in Jackson Public Schools. Scene changes to interview with Hinds County District Attorney Jack Travis. Discusses organized gambling. Scene changes to interview with State Sen. Herman Decelle concerning recent tornadoes. More footage of Travis. Additional: Crime, Education
MP_198001_D341_1280_ref.mov Legislature/Greaves/Evers/Wind *Jack Hill reports on Miss. legislature. State Sen. Jack Tucker is interviewed concerning Sovereignty Commission. Scene changes to news conference with Elmore Greaves regarding school integration. Scene changes to interview with Deborah Evers about United Services Organization (USO) tour in Germany. Silent footage of windy weather downtown. More footage of Tucker regarding teacher pay. Additional: Education
MP_198001_D342_1281_ref.mov Cleveland McDowell *Cleveland McDowell, Executive Coordinator of Training Coordinating Council, is interviewed concerning audit of Miss. Head Start Program.
MP_198001_D342_1282_ref.mov Pearl River Levee Workmen repair small leak in Pearl River Levee.
MP_198001_D342_1283_ref.mov Miss. Legislature Report Jack Hill provides report on Miss. legislature.
MP_198001_D342_1284_ref.mov Juvenile Delinquency Ruth Rushen, a youth probation counselor from Los Angeles, is interviewed concerning juvenile delinquency.
MP_198001_D342_1285_ref.mov Dr. Frank Rose Dr. Frank Rose, National Chairman of Salk Institute, talks about equal educational opportunities in the South. Additional: Education
MP_198001_D342_1286_ref.mov Veterans Mayor Russell Davis introduces Action Committee on Jobs for Veterans at a luncheon at Police Training Center. Additional: Employment Opportunities
MP_198001_D342_1287_ref.mov Boxing Footage of boxing. Additional: Sports Events
MP_198001_D343_1288_ref.mov Miss. Legislature Report Jack Hill reports on Miss. legislature. State Sen. Nap Cassibry and State Sen. Stone Barefield are interviewed. Penitentiary bill is discussed. Additional: Prisons
MP_198001_D343_1289_ref.mov Dr. Elias Blake *Dr. Elias Blake is interviewed concerning why he thinks testing is unfair to black students. Blake is attending workshop for school counselors. Additional: Education
MP_198001_D343_1290_ref.mov Bouldin/Leenhouts/Shira/Cassibry Artist Marshall Bouldin is interviewed concerning his work. Scene changes to interview with Keith Leenhouts concerning juvenile probation programs. Scene changes to interview with Miss. State Univ. football coach, Charley Shira. Silent footage of basketball game. Scene changes to interview with State Sen. Nap Cassibry. Silent footage of Marshall Boulding's artwork at Municipal Art Gallery. Additional: Sports Events, Juvenile Delinquency
MP_198001_D343_1291_ref.mov Governor's Mansion Footage showing wall around Governor's Mansion. This is a 'People, Places and Things Report.' Scene changes to unidentified river.
MP_198001_D343_1292_ref.mov Alcorn A and M College Report on new President for Alcorn A and M College. Additional: Colleges and Universities, College Presidents
MP_198001_D343_1293_ref.mov Football Game Footage of unidentified football game. Additional: Sports Events
MP_198001_D343_1294_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis Sen. John C. Stennis comments on limiting the power of the President in committing American troops to war.
MP_198001_D344_1295_ref.mov Professional Boxing Reporter interviews people concerning their opinion of the upcoming professional boxing competition (Frazier-Clay). This is 'Man on the Street Interviews.'
MP_198001_D344_1296_ref.mov Dawson/Day Care/Police/Basketball Mr. Dawson is interviewed about professional football. Scene changes to report by Jack Hill on legislation for day care facilities. Scene changes to Cliff Bingham providing weekly police report. Silent footage of unidentified basketball game. More footage of Dawson interview. Additional: Crime, Sports Events
MP_198001_D345_1297_ref.mov Dr. M. Ray Windham News conference with Dr. Ray Windham - one of 27 men subpoened by Hinds County District Attorney Jack Travis to appear before grand jury concerning organized gambling. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D345_1298_ref.mov City Council Meeting Wilson Frazier reports on City Council meeting.
MP_198001_D345_1299_ref.mov Ralph Nader Ralph Nader is interviewed upon his arrival at Jackson Municipal Airport.
MP_198001_D345_1300_ref.mov Callaway High School *Footage of Callaway High School where black students boycott classes in protest of the lack of school newspaper coverage of Miss Callaway High. Additional: Boycotts
MP_198001_D345_1301_ref.mov Miss. Legislature Report Jack Hill provides report on Miss. legislature. Additional: Day Care Facilities