WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D333_1250_ref.mov Willie Richardson Willie Richardson is interviewed. Additional: Athletes
MP_198001_D334_1251_ref.mov Delta Tornadoes Footage of destruction from tornadoes in the Delta.
MP_198001_D334_1252_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis Sen. John C. Stennis comments on the size of the recommended federal budget.
MP_198001_D334_1253_ref.mov Penton, Clark State Representatives Marby Penton and Robert Clark talk about reapportionment of the Miss. legislature
MP_198001_D334_1254_ref.mov City Council Meeting Cliff Bingham reports on City Council meeting.
MP_198001_D334_1255_ref.mov Tornadoes Inverness, Miss. Destruction from tornadoes is shown. Clifford Hardin, Secretary of Agriculture, Gen. George Lincoln, Dir. of U.S. Office of Emergency Preparedness, and Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan tour devastated area.
MP_198001_D335_1256_ref.mov Flooding Footage of flooding as a result of heavy rains. Additional: Floods
MP_198001_D335_1257_ref.mov Pearson/Legislature/Green/Salerno An authority on organized crime, Ralph Salerno, is interviewed. Scene changes to interview with Carel Du Toit of South Africa. Scene changes to interview with Rep. J.A. Thigpen regarding state park system. Sen. Theodore Smith talks about Miss. Highway Patrol. Silent footage of flooding. Silent footage of breakfast meeting sponsored by Reachout '71. Additional: Weather
MP_198001_D335_1258_ref.mov Tornado Destruction Inverness, Miss. Clifford Hardin, Secretary of Agriculture, Gen. George Lincoln, Director of U.S. Office of Emergency Preparedness, and Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan tour devastated area after tornadoes.
MP_198001_D335_1259_ref.mov Mayor Russell Davis News conference with Mayor Russell Davis. Discusses proposed sewage treatment plant. Additional: Waste Disposal
MP_198001_D335_1260_ref.mov Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan News conference with Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan. Discusses disaster relief for the Delta region from recent tornadoes.
MP_198001_D336_1261_ref.mov Salerno/Du Toit/Thigpen/Smith Al Pearson, Dir. of National Severe Storm Center of Kansas City, is interviewed. Scene changes to report on Miss. legislature by Jack Hill. Silent footage of news conference with Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan. Scene changes to interview with Jimmie Green, Director of Miss. Supervisors Assoc., concerning revenue sharing plan. Scene changes to interview with Ralph Salerno concerning organized crime. More footage of Pearson. More footage of Green. Additional: Weather
MP_198001_D336_1262_ref.mov Kelly/Du Toit/Salerno/Pearson... Dr. John Kelly, Director of Ocean Research for Westinghouse Corp., is interviewed. Scene changes to interview with Carel Du Toit of South Africa. Scene changes to luncheon attended by businessmen and law enforcement officials. (silent) Ralph Salerno addresses luncheon concerning organized crime. (sound) Silent footage of Tombigbee River above flood stage. Scene changes to interview with Al Pearson, Dir. of National Severe Storm Center of Kansas City. Scene changes to report on Miss. Legislature. Senators Theodore Smith and Hayden Campbell are interviewed. More of Du Toit and Kelly.
MP_198001_D337_1263_ref.mov Ralph Salerno on Organized Crime Ralph Salerno talks about organized crime.
MP_198001_D337_1264_ref.mov Sen. Theodore Smith State Sen. Theodore Smith talks about Miss. Highway Patrol.
MP_198001_D337_1265_ref.mov Sen. Hayden Campbell State Sen. Hayden Campbell talks about Child Day Care Center Bill. Additional: Day Care Facilities
MP_198001_D337_1266_ref.mov Flooding Silent footage of flooding in Laurel and Jackson. Interview of Al Pearson, Director of National Severe Storm Center of Kansas City. Additional: Weather, Floods
MP_198001_D337_1267_ref.mov Basketball/Legislature/Lewis *Silent footage of high school basketball tournament. Scene changes to report on Miss. legislature by Jack Hill. Interviews with Rep. George Payne Cossar, Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan and Sen. William Corr. Scene changes to news conference with Alfred Baker Lewis, National Secretary of the NAACP. Discusses President Nixon's revenue sharing program. More footage of basketball tournament. (silent) Additional: Sports Events
MP_198001_D338_1268_ref.mov Archie Manning Day Footage of Archie Manning Day. Additional: Athletes
MP_198001_D338_1269_ref.mov Pearl River Footage of Pearl River after heavy rainfall.
MP_198001_D339_1270_ref.mov George Bush George Bush, United States Ambassador to the United Nations, speaks from the United Nations. Additional: World Affairs
MP_198001_D339_1271_ref.mov Sen. John C. Stennis Sen. John C. Stennis comments about Senate Rule 22.
MP_198001_D339_1272_ref.mov Black United Front/Legislature *News conference with members of Black United Front. They accuse local business of racial bias in serving customers. Scene changes to Capitol. A group of student leaders from Univ. of Miss. lobby for new student union. Silent footage of Miss. legislature. Rep. H.L. Merideth comments on Implied Consent Bill. Silent footage of men filling sandbags due to rising waters. More footage of Black United Front.
MP_198001_D339_1273_ref.mov Police Report Cliff Bingham provides weekly police report. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D339_1274_ref.mov Basketball Footage of basketball tournament. Scene changes to another basketball game. Additional: Sports Events
MP_198001_D340_1275_ref.mov Legislature Report Jack Hill reports on Miss. legislature. State Sen. Herman Decelle is interviewed concerning money for tornado damage. Robert Crook is interviewed concerning private schools. Additional: Tornadoes
MP_198001_D340_1276_ref.mov City Council Meeting Sound and silent footage of City Council meeting. Mayor Russell Davis presents a plaque to the Miss. Authority for Educational Television concerning program prepared by them.
MP_198001_D340_1277_ref.mov Cataphote Corp. Fire Rankin County. Footage of fire damaged buildings of Catphote Corp. Additional: Fires