WLBT Newsfilm Collection

Filename Event Description
MP_198001_D345_1302_ref.mov Hunger and Poverty Footage of three black children who ate breakfast and lunch out of garbage cans on Lynch Street. Additional: Hunger, Poverty
MP_198001_D346_1303_ref.mov Miss. Legislature Report Report on hearing before the Senate Public Health Committee concerning day care legislation. Additional: Day Care Facilities
MP_198001_D346_1304_ref.mov Blackburn/Red Cross Silent and sound footage of Kiwanis Club Luncheon. Charles Blackburn, Southern Vice-President of Shell Oil Co., is speaker. Scene changes to Gov. John Bell Williams' office where the American Red Cross receives a check for disaster relief operations. (silent) More footage of Kiwanis Club luncheon.
MP_198001_D346_1305_ref.mov State Flag Presentation A state flag of Miss., which was flown at the North Pole, is presented to Gov. John Bell Williams. Presentation made on behalf of U.S. Navy by Capt. Edward May.
MP_198001_D346_1306_ref.mov Windmill Footage of windmill. This is a 'People, Places and Things Report.'
MP_198001_D346_1307_ref.mov Sports Car Report on sports car. Additional: Automobiles
MP_198001_D347_1308_ref.mov Housing for Tornado Victims State Sen. Robert Crook is interviewed concerning temporary housing for victims of last month's tornadoes.
MP_198001_D347_1309_ref.mov Rep. J.A. Thigpen State Rep. J.A. Thigpen is interviewed concerning the sale of land for multi-million dollar shopping complex. Additional: Shopping Centers
MP_198001_D347_1310_ref.mov Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan Lt. Gov. Charles L. Sullivan is interviewed concerning child day care legislation. Additional: Day Care Facilities
MP_198001_D347_1311_ref.mov Sam Lambert News conference with Sam Lambert, Executive Secretary of the National Education Assoc. Additional: Teachers, Miss. Education Assoc., Miss. Teachers Assoc.
MP_198001_D347_1312_ref.mov Bill Muster Bill Muster, President of Greene Steamship Lines of Cincinatti, is interviewed about the steamboat Delta Queen. Additional: Riverboats
MP_198001_D347_1313_ref.mov Jonathan Grant *Jackson State College student, Jonathan Grant, talks about being assaulted when helping local students register to vote. Additional: Voter Registration
MP_198001_D347_1314_ref.mov MTA Convention Silent footage of Miss. Teachers Assoc. convention at College Park Auditorium. Two principal speakers are Elizabeth Koontz, Director of the Women's Bureau of U.S. Dept. of Labor, and Sam Lambert, Exec. Secretary of National Education Assoc.
MP_198001_D347_1315_ref.mov MEA Convention Silent footage of Miss. Education Assoc. convention at coliseum. Rep. Milton Case participates in panel discussion on issues facing public school system. Additional: Teachers
MP_198001_D347_1316_ref.mov Fred Nolan on Young's Death *Fred Nolan, Director of Jackson Urban League, expresses sorrow over death of Whitney Young, Executive Director of National Urban League.
MP_198001_D347_1317_ref.mov Gov. John Bell Williams on Taxes News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams concerning tax cuts.
MP_198001_D348_1318_ref.mov Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Footage of unidentified ribbon-cutting ceremony. Scene changes to unidentified meeting.
MP_198001_D348_1319_ref.mov Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer Atty. Gen. A.F. Summer is interviewed concerning anti-pollution suit against auto manufacturers.
MP_198001_D348_1320_ref.mov Marshall Perry News conference with Circuit Judge Marshall Perry concerning candidacy for Governor. Discusses public schools and private schools. Additional: Election Campaigns
MP_198001_D348_1321_ref.mov Truett Smith Footage of Truett Smith announcing his candidacy for State Insurance Commissioner.
MP_198001_D348_1322_ref.mov Pay Increase for Teachers News conference with Gov. John Bell Williams concerning salary increase for teachers.
MP_198001_D348_1323_ref.mov Clifford Massoth Clifford Massoth, Director of Public Relations and Advertising for Illinois Central Railroad, is featured speaker at Jackson Rotary Club. Additional: Railroad Industry
MP_198001_D348_1324_ref.mov Telephone Switchboard Sunflower, Miss. Footage of manually-operated telephone switchboard. Scene changes to ground-breaking ceremony for new telephone hookup.
MP_198001_D348_1325_ref.mov Police Report Cliff Bingham provides weekly police report. Additional: Crime
MP_198001_D348_1326_ref.mov Golf Course Footage of golf course.
MP_198001_D349_1327_ref.mov Miss. Legislature Footage of Miss. legislature. Reapportionment plan is discussed.
MP_198001_D349_1328_ref.mov Delta Clean-up Operations Clean-up operations shown in Delta area after recent tornadoes.
MP_198001_D349_1329_ref.mov City Council Meeting City Council meeting with Mayor Russell Davis and Commissioner Ed Cates.