WDAM Newsfilm Collection and Accretion - MP 1989.01 and MP 1...

The WDAM Newsfilm Collection and Accretion consist of local television news film from television station WDAM-TV covering the Hattiesburg/Laurel area. Stories related to the Forrest, Jones, and Perry County areas were produced between approximately 1970 and 1975. They include national, state, and local politics; civil rights activities; sports; and natural and man-made disasters.

Filename Event Descr Date
MP_198901_028_04_ref.mov Governor William Waller Press conference with Governor William Waller discussing his tour of the Middle East/Iran. Filmed in Jackson. 4/29/75
MP_198901_028_06_ref.mov Jones County Board of Supervisors Jones County Board of Supervisors meeting. 4/29/75
MP_198901_028_07_ref.mov Laurel City Council Laurel City Council meeting. 4/29/75
MP_198901_028_09_ref.mov Diner Footage of a diner. Purpose and place unknown. 4/29/75
MP_198901_028_08_ref.mov Gubernatorial Candidates Gubernatorial Candidates speak in auditorium at the University of Southern Mississippi (U. S. M.). Cliff Finch and Gil Carmichael. 4/29/75
MP_198901_028_05_ref.mov Mayor A. L. (Bud) Gerrard Hattiesburg Mayor, A. L. (Bud) Gerrard issues rain gear to sewage and sanitation workers and other subjects. 4/30/75
MP_198901_028_14_ref.mov Election Preparation Boxes delivered from the Forrest County courthouse in preparation for the upcoming election. 5/2/75
MP_198901_028_12_ref.mov U. S. M. Alcohol Interview with University of Southern Mississippi (U. S. M.) representative, Dukkett, saying there is no double standard toward alcohol on the campus. N. D.
MP_198901_028_13_ref.mov Military Awards Banquet University of Southern Mississippi (U. S. M.) Air Force R. O. T. C. military awards banquet. Dr. William David McCain is present in uniform. N. D.
MP_198901_029_11_ref.mov Minority Problems in Laurel George Miller discusses minority problems in Laurel. 3/17/75
MP_198901_029_09_ref.mov Ethics Report Report from the capitol on state ethics bill. State Senator Ray B. Chatham speaks. 3/19/75
MP_198901_029_05_ref.mov Smith/Chatham State Senator Theo Smith on merit system for state employment. State Senator Ray B. Chatham is in favor of legislators serving on commissions. 3/25/75
MP_198901_029_04_ref.mov Bid Law Changes Legislative report with John Neil discussing bid law change. 3/25/75
MP_198901_029_03_ref.mov A. L. (Bud) Gerrard Hattiesburg Mayor A. L. (Bud) Gerrard discusses lack of grant money. 3/25/75
MP_198901_029_02_ref.mov Mississippi Municipal Association Laurel Mayor William (Bill) Patrick speaks at a meeting of the Mississippi Municipal Association (M. M. A.) in Laurel. M. M. A. president interviewed. 3/26/75
MP_198901_029_01_ref.mov Gil Carmichael Republican gubernatorial candidate Gil Carmichael campaign advertisement. N. D.
MP_198901_029_06_ref.mov Crime Statistics Agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigations (F. B. I.) discusses crime statistics. No identification of where he is speaking. N. D.
MP_198901_029_07_ref.mov Forrest County Teachers Union Forrest County teachers union representative express the union"'s needs from the Forrest County Schools. N. D.
MP_198901_029_08_ref.mov Forrest County Teachers Union Forrest County teachers union representative express the union"'s need to take the county to Federal Court over grievances. N. D.
MP_198901_029_10_ref.mov Governor William Waller Report on Governor William Waller"'s trade mission to Iran to drum up business. N. D.
MP_198901_029_12_ref.mov Automobile Show Automobile show in Cloverleaf Mall. Vademan discusses rebates. N. D.
MP_198901_030_01_ref.mov Summer Mississippi Attorney General A. F. Summer at unidentified location after appearing before grand jury. See item 03. 5/22/72
MP_198901_030_02_ref.mov Wayne County Ministers Wayne County ministers against beer sales. 5/22/72
MP_198901_030_03_ref.mov Summer Mississippi Attorney General A. F. Summer interviewed on street in Hattiesburg about his duties towards cities. He appeared before the grand jury. See... 5/22/72
MP_198901_030_04_ref.mov Miss Black Teenage America Miss Black Teenage America, Hattiesburg. 5/29/72
MP_198901_030_07_ref.mov Grady on Indictment Candidate for the fifth district, Paul Grady, says indictment is a maneuver by power hungry politicians. 5/29/72
MP_198901_030_06_ref.mov William Winter Governor William Winter at Lady [ ] 5/29/72
MP_198901_030_05_ref.mov Oil Festival Oil Festival, Laurel. 5/29/72