WDAM Newsfilm Collection and Accretion - MP 1989.01 and MP 1...

The WDAM Newsfilm Collection and Accretion consist of local television news film from television station WDAM-TV covering the Hattiesburg/Laurel area. Stories related to the Forrest, Jones, and Perry County areas were produced between approximately 1970 and 1975. They include national, state, and local politics; civil rights activities; sports; and natural and man-made disasters.

Filename Event Descr Date
MP_198901_106_01_ref.mov No Title Footage for a Watson"'s Shoes in Hattiesburg commercial. Young women modeling boots. ND
MP_198901_107_04_ref.mov Explosion Senator Ray B. Chatham interview at site of explosion about the safety changes necessary 8/26/74
MP_198901_107_03_ref.mov Petal LP Explosion Report on explosion at Petal LP (liquefied petroleum) storage site. Motor vehicle comptroller Doxey Fisher promises no need for further fears. 8/28/74
MP_198901_107_02_ref.mov LP Gas Senator Ray B. Chatham on deals with use of LP (liquefied petroleum) gas to fuel cars and the possibility of explosions at LP sites. 8/30/74
MP_198901_107_01_ref.mov Oil Prices Interview with an unknown man about the state agency"'s influencing the price of oil. ND
MP_198901_108_01_ref.mov Pearl River Flood Footage of flooding in Hattiesburg and Petal. Governor Bill Waller speaks about possibilities of financial aid and the help from the National Guard. I... ??/??/1974
MP_198901_109_02_ref.mov Laurel Urban Renewal Footage of urban renewal site in Laurel. 12/30/74
MP_198901_109_01_ref.mov LP Gas Explosion Footage of the explosion scene at the Petal LP (liquefied petroleum) gas underground storage site, damage to area homes, and the fire afterwards. ??/??/1974
MP_198901_110_01_ 1-ref.mov McComb Tornado Footage of tornado damage to the Winn-Dixie store and shopping center, cars turned over, apartments, victims, hospital, school bus turned over on its... 1/10/75
MP_198901_111_01_-ref.mov Ellisville Municipal Hospital Report on civil rights violations at the Ellisville Municipal Hospital and other hospitals. NOTE: Sound on this item is badly deteriorated. 11/16/71
MP_198901_112_01_-ref.mov Laurel Fire Footage of fire in downtown Laurel. Aerial shot after fire out. 4/23/71
MP_198901_113_01_-ref.mov Poverty Program Interview with Jap Carter, of the Forrest County Board of Supervisors, about a program to help the poor. 11/1/72
MP_198901_114_01_ref.mov 16th Section Land Interview with State Representative, Stone Barefield, about leasing of 16th section land. 4/11/74
MP_198901_115_01_ref.mov The Exorcist Interview about a grand jury court decision to stop the exhibition of the Exorcist in Hattiesburg. ND
MP_198901_116_01_ref.mov Wayne Ainsworth Museum Report on Wayne Ainsworth"'s historical museum in Laurel. 10/3/72
MP_198901_117_01_ref.mov Flooding Aerial scenes of flooding, site and date unknown. ND
MP_198901_118_01_ref.mov Ellisville State School Interview with volunteer worker, Tommie Smith, about the Ellisville State School foster grandparent program. (See item 2) 8/30/72
MP_198901_118_02_ref.mov Ellisville State School Interview with Robert Locke about the foster grandparent program at the Ellisville State School. 8/31/72
MP_198901_118_06_ref.mov Southern Governors"' Conference Footage of the Southern Governors"' Conference shot along the Atlantic Coast, site unknown. 9/14/72
MP_198901_118_03_ref.mov Automobile Fatality Footage of a fatal car and pulp wood truck accident, site unknown. 9/3/72
MP_198901_118_05_ref.mov Dr. William D. McCain University of Southern Mississippi President, Dr. William D. McCain, welcomes students. 9/4/72
MP_198901_118_04_ref.mov Public School Enrollment University of Southern Mississippi professor, Dr. James McPhail, is interviewed about the decrease in public school enrollment. 9/4/72
MP_198901_118_07_ref.mov USM Absentee Ballot [ ] Taylor, University of Mississippi student says the absentee ballot is unfair. (See item 8 &9) 9/5/72
MP_198901_118_13_ref.mov FAA vs. Laurel Report on the Federal Aviation Administration"'s objection to a sanitary landfill by the airport in Laurel. 9/5/72
MP_198901_118_11_ref.mov Earnest Creel Earnest Creel announces his candidacy for Congressman from the 5th district from a wheelchair on an automobile roof. 9/5/72
MP_198901_118_10_ref.mov Garbage Collection V.T. Hawkins Footage of meeting about garbage collection, city unknown. 9/5/72
MP_198901_118_09_ref.mov USM Beer [ ] Taylor attempt to change law legalizing beer on state college and university campuses. (See items 7 & 8) 9/5/72
MP_198901_118_08_ref.mov USM Absentee Ballot [ ] Taylor against residency requirement for absentee ballot. (See item 7 & 9) 9/5/72
MP_198901_118_12_ref.mov USM Beer [ ] Taylor report about beer sales on the University of Southern Mississippi campus. (See item 9) 9/5/72
MP_198901_118_14_ref.mov Health Inspections on Businesses Dr. James H. McGee is interviewed about health inspections of businesses. 9/6/72