WDAM Newsfilm Collection and Accretion - MP 1989.01 and MP 1...

The WDAM Newsfilm Collection and Accretion consist of local television news film from television station WDAM-TV covering the Hattiesburg/Laurel area. Stories related to the Forrest, Jones, and Perry County areas were produced between approximately 1970 and 1975. They include national, state, and local politics; civil rights activities; sports; and natural and man-made disasters.

Filename Event Descr Date
MP_198901_058_03_ref.mov Gil Carmichael Footage of gubernatorial candidate, Gil Carmichael, at Laurel DECA (?) 2/29/72
MP_198901_058_09_ref.mov Swep Davis Swep Davis, executive director of the Pat Harrison Waterway, is interviewed about dams on rivers north of Hattiesburg 2/29/72
MP_198901_058_12_ref.mov W. O. Dillard Governor Bill Waller introduces W. O. Dillard as Commissioner of Public Safety at a Jackson press conference. Dillard is interviewed. 3/1/72
MP_198901_058_13_ref.mov William Winter Lieutenant Governor, William Winter, receives the Salvation Army Award and speaks out about the need for being charitable 3/1/72
MP_198901_058_11_ref.mov Hattiesburg Storm Footage of Hattiesburg storm damage shown ND
MP_198901_059_12_ref.mov W. O. Dillard Governor Bill Waller introduces the new head of the Department of Public Safety, W. O. Dillard. Dillard is interviewed by the press. 3/1/72
MP_198901_059_04_ref.mov Citizens National Bank in Laurel [ ] Lone (?) discusses non-credit courses offered at the University of Southern Mississippi by Citizens National Bank in Laurel 3/2/72
MP_198901_059_05_ref.mov Jackson Mall Home Show Footage of the opening of the Jackson Mall Home Show featuring modular and mobile homes by the National Homes Factory 3/2/72
MP_198901_059_07_ref.mov Chiropractors Interviews with chiropractors about regulating their education and a ban on advertising 3/3/72
MP_198901_059_08_ref.mov William Humphries Interview with chiropractor, William Humphries (?) (See item 6) 3/3/72
MP_198901_059_09_ref.mov Ellisville State School Footage of the Ellisville State School facilities 3/3/72
MP_198901_059_06_ref.mov Jackson Mall Home Show Footage of the opening of the Jackson Mall Home Show featuring modular and mobile homes by the National Homes Factory 3/3/72
MP_198901_059_10_ref.mov Louis Fondren Louis Fondren, State Legislator from Moss Point, is interviewed about his views on President Richard Nixon and his campaign against U. S. Senator, Jam... 3/4/72
MP_198901_059_13_ref.mov Boy Scout Convention Major General Sidney Berry speaks to the boy scouts convention and is given an award 3/6/72
MP_198901_059_02_ref.mov Forrest County Family Counseling Forrest County youth counselor, Buddy Jones, is interviewed about setting up a counseling set-up which will bring in the entire family 3/6/72
MP_198901_059_14_ref.mov John Stennis Senator John C. Stennis gives a report from Washington on his approval of U. S. recognition of China, but agrees to proceed with caution 3/7/72
MP_198901_059_01_ref.mov County Unit System Interview about the need for a county unit system ND
MP_198901_059_11_ref.mov A. F. Summer Mississippi Attorney General, A. F. Summer, is interviewed about the Attorney General"'s responsibilities. ND
MP_198901_059_03_ref.mov Bridge Tournament Shot of players at card tables in a bridge tournament ND
MP_198901_060_01_ref.mov John Stennis Senator John C. Stennis gives speech on 18 year-old vote and encourages voter registration 2/28/72
MP_198901_060_06_ref.mov Judge Howard (Pat) Patterson Judge Howard (Pat) Patterson announces his candidacy for the 5th congressional district seat 3/10/72
MP_198901_060_07_ref.mov Pat Harrison Waterway Swep Davis, Executive Director of the Pat Harrison Waterway, discusses bond issues needed to run the district and possible cut backs 3/10/72
MP_198901_060_08_ref.mov American Medical Association American Medical Association president speaks to Laurel dinner about heart transplants, cancer treatments and cures 3/10/72
MP_198901_060_10_ref.mov Busing in Jackson State Attorney General in Jackson expresses his views against busing 3/11/72
MP_198901_060_11_ref.mov Implied Consent Law Mississippi Highway Patrol officer, [ ] Lindsay, discusses what the implied consent law means to drivers and its lowering of DUI"'s 3/14/72
MP_198901_060_02_ref.mov Bill Waller Governor Bill Waller discusses the need to reunite the Democratic Party at a Jackson press conference 3/1/72
MP_198901_060_03_ref.mov Southeastern Baptist College Southeastern Baptist College interviewee discusses a comparative study of East vs. West schools in Europe. He will conduct a tour. 3/2/72
MP_198901_060_04_ref.mov Meridian National Homes Factory Lieutenant Governor, William Winter, speaks at the opening of the National Homes Factory (manufacturer of modular homes) in Meridian. 3/2/72