Governor Haley Barbour Health and Human Services Policy Advi... Series 2777
This series consists of memos, spreadsheets, letters, and documents that were created or edited by Governor Haley Barbour's health and human services policy advisors from 2004 to 2011. Topics covered in the material include health care reform, Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP), and other subjects that deal with the well-being of the people of Mississippi. The electronic records (predominantly Word documents and Excel spreadsheets) are presented online as PDF files for easier access. Other records for the series are available in the William F. Winter Archives and History Building.
Read MoreThis series consists of memos, spreadsheets, letters, and documents that were created or edited by Governor Haley Barbour's health and human services policy advisors from 2004 to 2011. Topics covered in the material include health care reform, Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP), and other subjects that deal with the well-being of the people of Mississippi. The electronic records (predominantly Word documents and Excel spreadsheets) are presented online as PDF files for easier access. Other records for the series are available in the William F. Winter Archives and History Building.
Filename | File_path | Orig_filename |
MS-HIN Agenda 3.16.2011.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/March 16 | MS-HIN Agenda 3.16.2011.doc |
MS-HIN Agenda 5.18.2011.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/May 20 | MS-HIN Agenda 5.18.2011.doc |
Agenda for Oct. 20 2010.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/Meeting for October 20, 2010 | Agenda for Oct. 20 2010.doc |
Overview SOP.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/Meeting for October 20, 2010 | Overview SOP.ppt |
Agenda MS-HIN Board Nov. 15.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/Nov. 15, 2011 | Agenda MS-HIN Board Nov. 15.doc |
ms-hin draft minutes 11.15.2011.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/Nov. 15, 2011 | ms-hin draft minutes 11.15.2011.pdf |
MSHIN Agenda 11 17 10.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/nov 17 meeting | MSHIN Agenda 11 17 10.pdf |
ms-hin minutes 102010.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/nov 17 meeting | ms-hin minutes 102010.pdf |
MS-HIN Agenda Oct. 19 2011.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/Oct. 19, 2011 | MS-HIN Agenda Oct. 19 2011.doc |
ms-hin draft minutes 10.13.2011.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/Oct. 19, 2011 | ms-hin draft minutes 10.13.2011.pdf |
ms-hin draft minutes 10.19.2011.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/Oct. 19, 2011 | ms-hin draft minutes 10.19.2011.pdf |
ms-hin draft minutes Sept.1.2011.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/sept. 1, 2011 | ms-hin draft minutes Sept.1.2011.pdf |
Direct presentation.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/Sept 21, 2011 | Direct presentation.ppt |
MS-HIN Agenda 9.21.2011.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/Sept 21, 2011 | MS-HIN Agenda 9.21.2011.doc |
ms-hin draft minutes 9.21.2011.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/MS-Hin Board/Sept 21, 2011 | ms-hin draft minutes 9.21.2011.pdf |
Final ONC Program Status Briefing.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/ONC presentation | Final ONC Program Status Briefing.ppt |
Notes for onc Presentation.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/ONC presentation | Notes for onc Presentation.doc |
BCBS response.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/Payer Value | BCBS response.pdf |
Gov memo BCBS meeting.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/Payer Value | Gov memo BCBS meeting.doc |
memo BCBS letters.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/Payer Value | memo BCBS letters.doc |
Signed BCBS letter.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/Payer Value | Signed BCBS letter.pdf |
HMA Meeting Agenda 10-27-11.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/Provider Materials | HMA Meeting Agenda 10-27-11.docx |
HMA Presentation 10-27-11.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/Provider Materials | HMA Presentation 10-27-11.ppt |
MS-HIN_Fact-Sheet.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/Provider Materials | MS-HIN_Fact-Sheet.pdf |
MS-HIN_Hospital-Fee-Sheet.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/Provider Materials | MS-HIN_Hospital-Fee-Sheet.pdf |
MS-HIN_Services-Sheet.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/Provider Materials | MS-HIN_Services-Sheet.pdf |
Blue Cross Use Cases.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/stakeholder documents | Blue Cross Use Cases.docx |
Stakeholder Info Sheet .pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/stakeholder documents | Stakeholder Info Sheet .docx |
Consultant.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/Strategic Planning | Consultant.doc |
Diagram of MS-HIN.pdf | CWhitfield/E-Health/HITECH Grant/Strategic Planning | Diagram of MS-HIN.doc |