Governor Haley Barbour Health and Human Services Policy Advi... Series 2777

This series consists of memos, spreadsheets, letters, and documents that were created or edited by Governor Haley Barbour's health and human services policy advisors from 2004 to 2011. Topics covered in the material include health care reform, Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP), and other subjects that deal with the well-being of the people of Mississippi. The electronic records (predominantly Word documents and Excel spreadsheets) are presented online as PDF files for easier access. Other records for the series are available in the William F. Winter Archives and History Building.

Filename File_path Orig_filename
Agenda for Medicaid Meeting for 10.14.08.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Agenda for Medicaid Meeting for 10.14.08.doc
Agenda for Medicaid Meeting Tuesday 12.18.07.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Agenda for Medicaid Meeting Tuesday 12.18.07.doc
CMS Rule 2258-P Letter.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid CMS Rule 2258-P Letter.doc
Disease Management Memo 1.26.2007.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Disease Management Memo 1.26.2007.doc
In response to Cato.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid In response to Cato.doc
JPSD Cost Claims Memo 12.12.07.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid JPSD Cost Claims Memo 12.12.07.doc CWhitfield/General Medicaid
Letter - GHB to Leavitt - 6-15-06.ProviderTax.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Letter - GHB to Leavitt - 6-15-06.ProviderTax.doc
LogistiCare memo 5.29.07.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid LogistiCare memo 5.29.07.doc
Martinez.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Martinez.doc
Matria Preterm Labor Management.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Matria Preterm Labor Management.doc
Medicaid 2009 leg. agenda.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Medicaid 2009 leg. agenda.doc
Medicaid Accomplishments.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Medicaid Accomplishments.doc
Medicaid E & C testimony Talking Points.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Medicaid E & C testimony Talking Points.doc
Medicaid Eligibles demographics_final_version3_april07__2.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Medicaid Eligibles demographics_final_version3_april07__2.xls
Medicaid Katrina.doc.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Medicaid Katrina.doc.docx
Medicaid Legislative Agenda 2009.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Medicaid Legislative Agenda 2009.doc
Medicaid Update July 2009.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Medicaid Update July 2009.doc
memo.medpay.8.1.06.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid memo.medpay.8.1.06.doc
MS Response to rule 2258-P 3 12 07 draft 1___3.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid MS Response to rule 2258-P 3 12 07 draft 1___3.doc
Patton Medical Memo.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Patton Medical Memo.doc
PERM memo.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid PERM memo.doc
Plotner.MentalHealth.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Plotner.MentalHealth.doc
Proposed Access and Rate regs.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Proposed Access and Rate regs.doc
Requests from Governor for Leg 2009 10.15.08.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Requests from Governor for Leg 2009 10.15.08.doc
Senate Response to Medicaid Improvment Act.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Senate Response to Medicaid Improvment Act.doc
Shared Health conference call memo.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Shared Health conference call memo.doc
Shared Health Memo.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Shared Health Memo.doc
SMD081507Announcement.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid SMD081507Announcement.pdf
Swope Health Care memo 11.20.07.pdf CWhitfield/General Medicaid Swope Health Care memo 11.20.07.doc